an uncertain quest ends on an enlightening note part 3

the mist perfumed the air. -this was one of the few dreams where my sense of smell was active- half a mint scent, and half a citrus scent. i remained where i was,enjoying the scents and the perfumed air. then the mist began to part and i went closer,curious about what had happened to the occupants of the car. i looked- and stared in amazement. the automobile itself was unaffected,but the three passengers of it-how shall i describe it? reduced to silhouettes. by that i mean there were only dark outlines instead of flesh and blood people. it was as though they had been whittled down to their shadow selves. the mist remained swirling in a cloud. i determined to get back to my friends as soon as possible and inform them of what was ahead. i turned and began to walk at a very fast pace,when halfway back i heard my name called. i turned around to see a very short,squat man holding a ring in his right hand.this was not an ordinary ring. it was half as big as himself,and glowed and vibrated with an energy all its own. in his other hand he held a tall pillar of red crystal almost as tall as himself. he almost reminded me of dungeon master,except he had a very round face,and the robe he wore was not dark red but a brilliant magenta.( you recall the cartoon show from the 1980s) behind him were two teenagers who i took to be his students or disciples or whatever you choose to term them. they evidently thought the whole thing to be hilarious,for they were laughing the whole time. " before you get back to your friends, there is something you need to know" i indicated for him to go on."you know your world is governed by ruthless manipulators of power. many forces are at work. the foods the people eat is tampered with. the air is polluted.the ozone layer of the planet is being eroded. the drinking water is tampered with by alien elements. you know this already.but frequency beams are widespread . extremely high and extremely low. they affect the minds and health of the people. they can be countered with knowledge." here he provided some valuable knowledge about minerals such as calcite which is capable of absorbing negative energy and copal which is capable of turning away ELF and EMF waves. he furnished some information about oils and and pure water and mentioned both J.hickory andJ. linden by name and told me that our group was going to receive knowledge about something vital. i cannot go into detail about everything that passed between us. enough to say, i was reassured and went away with renewed confidence. i did not know exactly when this would happen or how. but i walked away knowing it would happen. thenJ. hickory and i ran into each other again. he said "oh, J. oak you won't believe what i saw. it was just incredible" "if it was as incredible as what i saw we are going one terrific story to tell" so we walked back to find N_ waiting for us. J. linden was sitting calmly under a tree. we began "N_ prepare yourself for something incredible" at that moment i woke up. so here is one of the most enigmatic dreams i ever had. let anyone who think they can shed some light on it,try. your insight will be very much welcomed
At the point where you all went off for lunch, that was like a traffic circle within the greens of your nature, your driver is here confronted with this same force later visualiced and you see in his respons the seriousness of the work of this within human nature.
Like the 3 in th maroon 1968, he becomes a shadow of his usual, but he do still reflect his pain and shows up that he can't be present in sufficient degree to contain and process his situation. That goes for the 3 in the m 68 too, but there even worse, they are totally throwed out and can not return without much help. The maroon color should indicate earth level of this and 1968 some time info of events. personal or collectively.
The measured centre of the traffic at the meeting point of what is man made and mans nature. Measures that the earth is opening and radiates fire of unknown quality and effect, to try to escape is obvious dangerous.
The mist where you experience scents of very positive quality is related to earth chakra, it is seldom felt in dreams because we are mostly catched up in an artificial relation to earth and not in much degree to the actual earth in our nature , in and around. So this is a very important part of the dream.
to be continued
It is to note that your driver is not in the car (maschine) that might be some of the answer to why he and the rest of your group had a better outcome than the 3 in the 68, your driver as the one closest to the maschine mover most influenced.
A very short squat man, that speaks to you as he is not a human, might signifie him as a dwarf, they have lots of knowledge on the levels of nature that is on here. It seems to me that the two youngsters behind him is not his diciples, but probably is giving language to the background of his interference, and they tell us about our human immaturity and that we as an art is not grasping the seriousness of our situation. That would harmonize with our worlds situation at the moment.
From this, i would say his brilliant magenta staff, is his knowledge and the ring, the complete encircled situation that is in question here, is what he has knowledge about.
to be continued
I think it is important at the end scene of the dream, where you are to share with each other within the group ( 4 the no of the builder ) you wake up, the positive interaction within your group is an inner quality, but since you know the ones in question also in an outer reflection, it seems like a good idea to check out the possible cooperation also on this level. The fire and the mist is a clearly positive respons to what the sage told about negativities. You saw in reality what the neagativities were causing in the light of your higher earth chakra consciousness, the scent of the mist. And what this negativity has done to people , and will do to people unless countered. So I do indeed hope that you and your friends and everybody else comes to a compassionate act to help out those who lack protection against this form of negativity...
that the sage in your dream is speaking about.
The untouched maroon 1968 also points to that damage happened could be difficult to detect on outward reality, if the watcher can not comprehend the nonmaterial reality, so material reality is related to that.
The surroundings of Chernobyl after the disaster in the 80s, were also strange in this fashion, the nature looked for onlookers rather healthy.

I’ ll leave it there for now, for your comments.

Kind regards Arnfinnius
I think it is important at the end scene of the dream, where you are to share with each other within the group ( 4 the no of the builder ) you wake up, the positive interaction within your group is an inner quality, but since you know the ones in question also in an outer reflection, it seems like a good idea to check out the possible cooperation also on this level. The fire and the mist is a clearly positive respons to what the sage told about negativities. You saw in reality what the neagativities were causing in the light of your higher earth chakra consciousness, the scent of the mist. And what this negativity has done to people , and will do to people unless countered. So I do indeed hope that you and your friends and everybody else comes to a compassionate act to help out those who lack protection against this form of negativity...
that the sage in your dream is speaking about.
The untouched maroon 1968 also points to that damage happened could be difficult to detect on outward reality, if the watcher can not comprehend the nonmaterial reality, so material reality is related to that.
The surroundings of Chernobyl after the disaster in the 80s, were also strange in this fashion, the nature looked for onlookers rather healthy.

I’ ll leave it there for now, for your comments.

Kind regards Arnfinnius
I think it is important at the end scene of the dream, where you are to share with each other within the group ( 4 the no of the builder ) you wake up, the positive interaction within your group is an inner quality, but since you know the ones in question also in an outer reflection, it seems like a good idea to check out the possible cooperation also on this level. The fire and the mist is a clearly positive respons to what the sage told about negativities. You saw in reality what the neagativities were causing in the light of your higher earth chakra consciousness, the scent of the mist. And what this negativity has done to people , and will do to people unless countered. So I do indeed hope that you and your friends and everybody else comes to a compassionate act to help out those who lack protection against this form of negativity...
that the sage in your dream is speaking about.
The untouched maroon 1968 also points to that damage happened could be difficult to detect on outward reality, if the watcher can not comprehend the nonmaterial reality, so material reality is related to that.
The surroundings of Chernobyl after the disaster in the 80s, were also strange in this fashion, the nature looked for onlookers rather healthy.

I’ ll leave it there for now, for your comments.

Kind regards Arnfinnius​

in very many respects your interpretations of this are the same as mine. at first i did not understand what the people in the maroon car were doing or why this instrument which may have been related to sesimology. when i saw what happened , i knew they had been tampering with something they should not have been. so in a way they were symbolic of the society,which regards nature as a force to be harnessed for the use of man. it illustrates the consequences of action combined with lack of knowledge. they encountered the forces of creation and were so to speak,devolved to their innermost being. you are right about the ring and the pillar of red crystal(which,i am told is a very rare form of crystal,with unusual psychic properties) and the message,which i cannot reveal in its entireity but i will tell you more of it. as to the two laughing teenagers i was under the impression they were his allies but found the whole situation too funny for words. someone else i once knew who was psychic analyzed this dream and told me they were the ones with highly advanced knowledge who helped this master. he was involved in what we might call psychic defense. the same forces that drained the driver were in play, and this master has been highly effective at thwarting them. which was why he was explaining to me what had happened and what i had to do to interact with my friends in the group(which does exist in so-called reality) and his advice was followed.everything he said so far has turned out to be right. some things have yet to be fufilled. in any case i will tell you more of the message. {continued}
he told me of certain rare earth metals with qualities of healing and plants which can absorb radioactive waves such as spider plants,how the presence of certain minerals in the soil can affect the atmosphere in the find out the direction of telluric currents where i was and to make sure i slept in conformity with their pattern. there was much more.
This sounds very useful and positive, you should write it all properly down in a book, J. Oak , this could really be to such help for so many :)
I would love to buy a copy my friend.