j. oak 357silversword
the mist perfumed the air. -this was one of the few dreams where my sense of smell was active- half a mint scent, and half a citrus scent. i remained where i was,enjoying the scents and the perfumed air. then the mist began to part and i went closer,curious about what had happened to the occupants of the car. i looked- and stared in amazement. the automobile itself was unaffected,but the three passengers of it-how shall i describe it? reduced to silhouettes. by that i mean there were only dark outlines instead of flesh and blood people. it was as though they had been whittled down to their shadow selves. the mist remained swirling in a cloud. i determined to get back to my friends as soon as possible and inform them of what was ahead. i turned and began to walk at a very fast pace,when halfway back i heard my name called. i turned around to see a very short,squat man holding a ring in his right hand.this was not an ordinary ring. it was half as big as himself,and glowed and vibrated with an energy all its own. in his other hand he held a tall pillar of red crystal almost as tall as himself. he almost reminded me of dungeon master,except he had a very round face,and the robe he wore was not dark red but a brilliant magenta.( you recall the cartoon show from the 1980s) behind him were two teenagers who i took to be his students or disciples or whatever you choose to term them. they evidently thought the whole thing to be hilarious,for they were laughing the whole time. " before you get back to your friends, there is something you need to know" i indicated for him to go on."you know your world is governed by ruthless manipulators of power. many forces are at work. the foods the people eat is tampered with. the air is polluted.the ozone layer of the planet is being eroded. the drinking water is tampered with by alien elements. you know this already.but frequency beams are widespread . extremely high and extremely low. they affect the minds and health of the people. they can be countered with knowledge." here he provided some valuable knowledge about minerals such as calcite which is capable of absorbing negative energy and copal which is capable of turning away ELF and EMF waves. he furnished some information about oils and and pure water and mentioned both J.hickory andJ. linden by name and told me that our group was going to receive knowledge about something vital. i cannot go into detail about everything that passed between us. enough to say, i was reassured and went away with renewed confidence. i did not know exactly when this would happen or how. but i walked away knowing it would happen. thenJ. hickory and i ran into each other again. he said "oh, J. oak you won't believe what i saw. it was just incredible" "if it was as incredible as what i saw we are going one terrific story to tell" so we walked back to find N_ waiting for us. J. linden was sitting calmly under a tree. we began "N_ prepare yourself for something incredible" at that moment i woke up. so here is one of the most enigmatic dreams i ever had. let anyone who think they can shed some light on it,try. your insight will be very much welcomed