Differnt dream experience


New member
My wife has been having dreams where she sleeps fights. laughs , cries yells etc.. acting out what she is dreaming. I awoke and saw a steam punk entity was sucking out her dream essence. This resembles a steam punk machine. I willed it away and it left. Moments later my was seemed to be possesed and a female voice, not my wifes berated me about doing that but i could her the voice but could not understand anyhting that was said.. What I experienced was not a dream . I was a wake. Has anyone experienced anything else like this. The dreamming has slowed down.Since this incidnet.


New member
Psychic Defense is well established for myself, tThat how I was able to banish this entity. Working on training my wife to be more serious about this defense. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything else like this. Cannot find any reference to dream essence stealing. If i can find a more information I maybe able to completely stop this entity.

Sage Wind

New member
Who yo gonna call? Benny Hinn? sounds like you inadvertantly exorcized a succubus or something. Peradverture availing a promising career in the field of lights.

I have had these sort of verge of dream demonic experiences, as you see here, I tend to cope by makeing light of the matter, which is admittadly a serious one.


New member
I am a Mage of Light. The entity has not returned as far as i can tell. I keep up the gaurds. Thank you for responding. There is prayer to protect yoursled. Only the white light of god can enter my Light, and Only white light beings of god. I look to find others that would like my info to be taught to them.
As an old Mage I am also willing to learn new tricks.


Sage Wind

New member
Im a renaissance man. A sort of hillbilly hermet down in the crowded flats. The preverbial voice from the wilder ness.

Dreams are fascinating to me.
I'm convinced that there are dream invaders; imposters who alter even make your dreams. -A little bit like in "dreamscape" or "Inception" like the masey group types.

I'm quite certain there is a lost dream language of symbols. I am by no means fluent, but you see biblical examples, for example; when joseph dreams of the sun moon and stars, It appears to be known that it symbolizes his father, mother and siblings. Also he is held responsible for dreaming, not as if dreaming happens to one. From the context they aparantly believe it not entirely objective as most folks seem to do now.


New member
I have an been a police officer for 35 years. Also worked with the ARE Edgar Cayce Group. I learned early about the darkness playing with a quija board and experienced a demon called an umber hulk. From then on my adventure began. I had the ability to see thing and was psychic in was but was not really developed and expanded until i became involved. I willing to help anyone with ther dream or other wierd experiences. I dream of my future and my past. I learned to interpert my dreams when i dream.
