Dogs in dreams...


New member
I would like some thoughts about 2 dog dreams of mine.
First: i am not a dog lover
(i got bitten in early childhood )
And in addition i only know a few dogs...
The dreams: in a few dreams the came and chased me and and in waking life i thought time i will be more courageous i had 2 pretty similar dreams...bigger dogs were caming and now i faced them and yelled at them with a very loud worked and they disapeared. Von franz one said:
The doubling of the motif means (2 similar dreams) pay attention!
What i try to understand if those dogs are impulses and i am now better in controlling them?
Ps my second language..forgive mistakes🐩


In general, I know you are on the right path simply by dwelling on it and asking yourself, "What can I learn from the dreams?" Much of the subtle clues will be within the emotions evoked in each (they are as important of clues as various symbols and even the happenings themselves). Did you feel any of your childhood experience get reflected in these current dreams? How did you feel when chased by them? How did you feel when you stood up to them and got the results you wanted? And *how* might these two feelings be linked to each other? It's perhaps in these areas that more personal lessons exist. I just know that from my experiences, answers are rarely simple, and often 2 seemingly different answers can *both* be a part of the truth that teaches and grow us. :) Happy dreaming and analyzing to you.


And please forgive that I cannot communicate with you in your native language, while taking the chance to mention something deeper/more philosophical-psychological.

Note that dogs tend to be the ideal symbols of not only the instinctual, but the more subtle auras/broadcasts/emotional reading abilities. We humans are mostly blind to them, but they exist in obvious fashion among the most adaptive part of creatures' instincts and we share some of that whether we are conscious of it or not. As a simple example, if you hate a dog or fear it (often both, but that is a failing within many humans, that we tie hate and fear together in our emotion-set), the dog will sense that and hate or fear you in return, even when you are outwardly trying to "play nice". Take this lesson to heart: how you *actually* manage a situation comes from deep inside you rather than some superficial pretending, from the inner emotional turmoil or peace you carry with you about a certain situation (like that of interacting with dogs)--and in a subtle way, you are broadcasting this set of feelings/attitudes.

Your dreams are possibly trying to tap into your awareness of this dynamic that usually goes mostly ignored in our lives even though they are deeply meaningful to our personal successes and failures. So, your dream *could* very much be showing you how you taking control of those more basic feelings from your childhood, maturing them, and then broadcasting your solution back to those dogs will often *fix* the base problem (in your case, the dogs received your broadcast and obeyed/went away).

One of the philosophical similarities to this subject is when we talk about motivations, when we might say something like: "their heart is in the right place" (meaning they had positive/benevolent intentions for what they said or did). It is in these interactions that hints of our more invisible broadcasts happen, though this example is only a small subset of a much larger picture/field of study. We tend to lump it into the spiritual and then it gets mixed up with other complications. But it is a distinct, complete understanding just by itself. :)

Again, I wish you good success on your considering. May it help with your perspective/understanding.


I would like some thoughts about 2 dog dreams of mine.
First: i am not a dog lover
(i got bitten in early childhood )
And in addition i only know a few dogs...
The dreams: in a few dreams the came and chased me and and in waking life i thought time i will be more courageous i had 2 pretty similar dreams...bigger dogs were caming and now i faced them and yelled at them with a very loud worked and they disapeared. Von franz one said:
The doubling of the motif means (2 similar dreams) pay attention!
What i try to understand if those dogs are impulses and i am now better in controlling them?
Ps my second language..forgive mistakes🐩
I have always seen dogs as a symbol of our guides, there here to help us on our inner journey, maybe they are trying to reach out to you this way, I would try some meditation and see if this bring you anything further.


Hello Angelica,

I am, like you, pretty new here (dec 2 or 3 last year) and, in explaining dreams i have developed a model whereby the ego (you in this case) explaning his/her dreams as a matrimony; woman, husband and child living in their house, wherby the (your) husband symbolize the Soul and the child your spirit. This is in a basic/ standard situation. But depending of the situation, this elements could change, for instant in a mobile, travelling situation the house would be a car, or in case of danger, the (your) husband, The Soul, the guardian angel, could be a dog (for doglovers, having them nearby in the same house) etc etc.

Now this cases. If for instant you passed through a very ugly devorce battle, your ex could represent the Devil Himself in your dreams. Because of your experience as a child with a dog biting you, the dog represents the enemy, the Devil or one of his agents. And in addition to this, biting and al kinds of things penetrating the body; guns, knifes, simbolize bad spirits, trying to penetrate you, having relationship with you.

So dogs chasing you, could represent/represents The Devil chasing you, demons chasing you, wanting to have a relationship with you. And you Angelica, did well, listening to the inner voice of your Soul, your own 'dog" and loyal buddy, your guardian Angel, to chase them away with authority! And they vanished!
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New member
Thanks for your answer...
I see things different...I studied Analytical Ps. At the Jung institut Zuerich\Kuessnacht...means my own dream work and with those of my former clients (i am retired now) is based on Jungs depth ps.
Thinking abour instincts ...

Instinct. An involuntary drive toward certain activities. (See also archetype and archetypal image.)
All psychic processes whose energies are not under conscious control are instinctive.[Definitions," CW 6, par. 765.]
Instincts in their original strength can render social adaptation almost impossible.["The Transcendent Function," CW 8, par. 161.]
Instinct is not an isolated thing, nor can it be isolated in practice. It always brings in its train archetypal contents of a spiritual nature, which are at once its foundation and its limitation. In other words, an instinct is always and inevitably coupled with something like a philosophy of life, however archaic, unclear, and hazy this may be. Instinct stimulates thought, and if a man does not think of his own free will, then you get compulsive thinking, for the two poles of the psyche, the physiological and the mental, are indissolubly connected. ["Psychotherapy and a Philosophy of Life," CW 16, par. 185.]

So after re reading my old books I thought about my dog dreams as symbols of my instincts which (at least it seems to me) are struggeling with Am I the boss in my
Or: from instincts the impulses are coming and I need ti learn how to handle them?
When I get dreams about things that are scary it is just a metaphor for something which is scaring me right now. A dream captures a thought about something specific. Some people dream about sharks or spiders or snakes. You dream about dogs because they are a very personal symbol because the don't like you. Your dream has a story line which shows that you ere scared about something but you confronted your fears and came to the conclusion that you did not have reason to be so fearful. I always look at dreams as short dramas which capture a recent feeling usually the day before. Your mind is just making an assessment about your current situation - it summarizes a recent thought which you may tell a friend or write down in a diary. You may dream about deep seated issues in your personality but they will be summing up your most recent thoughts.


New member
Feels pretty close bobby
I also often dream about books i am if the dream wants to confirm an idea
Frued often reduced dreams to be about deep personality issues but I think that dreams are about issues in your brain. We dream about things in the here and now. If you were watching a TV program or reading a book it may well be dominating your thoughts right now. Why dream about something in the past when you can think about the present.


New member
That is Sigmund Freud..CG Jung goes deeper...those things of the past is the foundation of our being..
Barbara Hannah wrote a lot abour the symbolism of digs and it is:

We also find an interesting light on the actions of the dog in Lorenz's book. He says that all instinctive impulses of a wild animal are of a kind that will ultimately make it decide in favor of its own well-being or of its herd or pack. There is no conflict in the daily life of an animal between its natural urges and an "ought." Every inner urge is "good." Man has lost this paradisiacal harmony. He says that true morality, in the highest sense of the word, demands spiritual achievement of which no animal is capable (Lorenz 1951, 213ff).


Thanks for your answer...
I see things different...I studied Analytical Ps. At the Jung institut Zuerich\Kuessnacht...means my own dream work and with those of my former clients (i am retired now) is based on Jungs depth ps.
Thinking abour instincts ...

Instinct. An involuntary drive toward certain activities. (See also archetype and archetypal image.)

So after re reading my old books I thought about my dog dreams as symbols of my instincts which (at least it seems to me) are struggeling with Am I the boss in my
Or: from instincts the impulses are coming and I need ti learn how to handle them?

Thanks for your answer...
I see things different...I studied Analytical Ps. At the Jung institut Zuerich\Kuessnacht...means my own dream work and with those of my former clients (i am retired now) is based on Jungs depth ps.
Thinking abour instincts ...

Instinct. An involuntary drive toward certain activities. (See also archetype and archetypal image.)

So after re reading my old books I thought about my dog dreams as symbols of my instincts which (at least it seems to me) are struggeling with Am I the boss in my
Or: from instincts the impulses are coming and I need ti learn how to handle them?
So, you see it different and you are not the only one here, at least 3 others, PualHK, Lyne, unclesirbobbyrobson, but i can handle that. I am a skilled dreamexplainer who choosed this site because of peace and till this now, without commercials, and i think, a group of people really looking for the truth about dreams, at least not a quasi-, but a semiscietific base.

I am here, we are here because we love finding the thruth about dreams. And the public who, some deparately loking for the truth about their dreams, must be able to rely that there is not a lot of nonsense thrown out of the blue by people who regularly comment on dreams.

So i was already a skilled dreamexplainer based on the words, the text the dreamers describe their dreams, when somebody 12 years ago, pointed out to me that I should read Jung. So I know about the man of the 19th scentury who put dreams on the scientific table by doing rechearch in it and because wearing a white coat, as a psyciatrist, he could hear his patients out, and after long sessions, predating, come to a conclusion ultimately. But we don't have that time here.

But the most important thing here for us, espacially for the public, is the truth about (their) dreams. And that counts.
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New member
I had the pleasure to study there in Zuerich and together with my analyst sometimes! we discovered the archetypal base of some dreams...😉


New member
I had the pleasure to study there in Zuerich and together with my analyst sometimes! we discovered the archetypal base of some dreams...😉
But I do not want to disturb something here...all the best and lots of sucess😉


You don't disturb anything as we are here for the truth about dreams, and to be open minded in search of that. I am not intimidated by dogma's of a man born 150 years ago. I know myself and if you follow me you'll see that I am not speculating. I know my job: solve dreams and explain that to de dreamer, while the public can follow me psycho-logicly!😊
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New member
You don't disturb anuthing as we are here for the truth about dreams, and to be open minded in serach of that. I am not intimidated by dogma's of a man born 150 years ago. I know myself and if you follow me you'll see that i am not speculating. I know my job: souvenirs derams and explain that to de dreamer, while the public can follow me psycho-analytic!😊
The problem is, i am not a follower and Jung is not dogmatic😂


I just meant, if you follow my explanation. I am not looking for followers. You are a flower of Jung and they are dogmas based on his own axiomas!
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With some humor (cheekiness) I will point out that the mysterious underpinnings of the dream realm are such that all answers *can* be right, and in many cases, multiple answers are correct, in some sense.

It is a *human* limitation to try and make only a single answer correct, not a limitation of dream-reality.

Truly understanding this will not only instruct and humble you to not sound so "authoritative" on the subject, but it will also prove to you in a way you can trust that there is no harm in *not* knowing (just in not seeking)... For those who think they have all the answers, they are very close to the beginning of their journey as students. The tragedy is many will never make it beyond the false confidence stage that prevents them from seeing multiple answers as correct, from having the perspective to see the beauty/elegance in this. Let us not be those types who miss out, for at least that is within our control. 🌻 We are built upon what we truly know, not what we claim we know.