Dream about a black squirrel


New member
I dreamt last night that I was walking through a park in the late winter, early spring, talking to a woman that I had met there. I don't remember any details about her, but we were trying to find my hat; I had set it down because it was too warm to have it on and I couldn't find it. She called out to me that a squirrel had taken my hat and had "gone up the tree with it." We walked down a short hill and stood next to a rock wall near the tree. The squirrel, which I could see now was black, came down from the tree and ran towards me. At first, I thought he was going to jump at me, so I gave him a gentle bop on the head when he was close enough. The rock wall came up to my chest so I was pretty much eye level with him. He looked at me for a minute, then the woman I was with held out her hand, palm down, and the squirrel came to her and nuzzled her hand. I did the same and the squirrel nuzzled my hand for a moment, then started nibbling on the fingertip of my glove, like he was trying to steal it. I pulled my hand away and said, "No, you can't have my glove, you silly thing." I held out my hand to him again the squirrel did the same thing. After I pulled my hand away, he sat up on his hind legs like they do and just looked at me with a small smile. I woke up shortly after, but I felt throughout the dream, he was trying to play with me.
Hi Makk781,
Thanks for sharing your dream!
We see lots of symbolic references to the heart/feelings/sharing vs. head/mind/rational thought in this dream. Do you tend to keep your feelings to yourself, and do you tend to place more emphasis on the intellectual/rational side rather than on feelings?


New member
Hi there,
I do tend to keep my feelings to myself on certain things, mostly due to not wanting to cause trouble. I have been trying to get myself out of doing that, but it is a bit of a challenge at times.
Do squirrels hold any particular association for you?
It's also interesting how the squirrel was trying to take your glove off your hand. When we see hands in dreams, it often means that the dreamer has a hands-on healing ability.

Lyn Holley

Active member
Animals are often symbolic of instincts. Interesting, he is removing clothing, symbolic of the persona. Consider examining your instinctual self and how it differs from the self you show the world. The feminine is leading the way; your feminine side is charming the instinctual you.