As we can see from history and nowadays we have the same meager ability as when our weapens were a club, and our
technique has become our Frankenstein monster. It was in the dream discovered by accident, but we have searched for it for centurys, for we do desire power, power to control , and our vast data-bank of thoughts deliver always arguments which we hastily consent to, for the allowance of us to have this power in our possession. The part long sight and different frequences is there, super powers are there, our ability to change dna is there, but because our basic teaching exclude the mastery of feelings, emotions, desires, etc, as our primary goal, we are under the control of fear and do unfortunately not act intelligent in our lives. These powers as are mentioned in the way mentioned is around, so "the latter" I think, as we see it is a serum involved , we then add feelings to our contemporary computer ways and powers goes out of control, on the other hand for the one not interested in powers, as work with what is, and has withdrawn selfidentification from the emptyness of phenomenas, it seems like a transformation is at hand, to balance these kind of powers it is though needed abilities very rare among persons.