expanding consciousness and acquiring potentially dangerous abilities in the process part 1

this dream involves interaction between several people,one of them a scientist,another one a member of the armed forces, a third one connected to intelligence, a fourth one was a doctor. a fifth one was a leading citizen. a sixth was connected to law enforcement. a seventh one was a reporter. as i explain this dream it will become evident how falls into place. this scenario of this dream concerns a serum,discovered quite by accident by the scientist,who suspected his discovery was no accident at all. that superhuman intelligence's were at work. this serum when ingested could give the recipient wondrous powers,way beyond the ability of an ordinary person, but they had to know exactly how to use them. they had abilities and powers undreamed of by the average person but had to understand the proper use of them. otherwise they could cause a great deal of damage without meaning to. the reporter on taking the serum found that not only could he zero in on a conversation many miles away,but he also could hear sounds normally inaudible to the human ear,such as high frequency waves and dog whistles.he could listen in on top secret communications sent in code(and uncover the meaning of secret messages sent in code,which he could instantly decipher by reading mental energy waves associated with it) the law officer found that he had acquired prodigious strength which gave him a terrific advantage when confronting violent criminals. but these were temporary powers,in order to keep them you had take the serum on a regular basis,but i suspect there must have been some alteration in the molecular structure or in the fundamental makeup of the body. i cannot think that once having taken this your body would simply revert to its previous condition. one of the subjects-perhaps that is the right term for them- actually obtained the power of levitation and teleportation after taking this serum. but like all gifts this should not be abused. least of all something like this,which could bestow superhuman powers on its users, if only temporarily. the doctor used it to treat his patients ,sometimes with phenomenal results. he claimed there untapped health benefits in nature of which modern medicine is lamentably ignorant. he said this serum goes right into the cell structure and the atomic structure of whoever takes it ,bringing out abilities and powers which were latent until then. i observed that if this were true it is a good thing many people do not know how to use them. he retorted that all characteristics of people that would abuse their powers were suffering from an imbalance in their psyche and could be treated spiritually as well as physically. that all traits such as, paranoia,greed,lust for power and homicidal mania were in truth, forms of disease and could be cured. while i did not disagree basically i pointed out there more complex factors involved in this. such as, conditions and background in a person. ultimately,i he and i agreed. i felt while humanity had a long way to go this was a step in the right direction. the scientist came over and indicated he wanted to talk with both the doctor and myself {continued}

It has a saturnic structure, and is representing the egotistical drive, the fundamental problem with the "serum" is that it blocks the inner man from expressing , because this also happens through cellstructure and weakness, imperfection, stupidity, paranoia, . So we could say the "serum" represents our society's desire ( represented by the multitude of professionals present) to control the universe, in a complete ignorance of anything else than outward structure, or what is made from outside, like ai, and this appproach is in away a suicide, a deathlonging, for rolling stones down the hill with no one rolling is death.
Your dream is so complex my friend, so I start out like this , and we'll see how it ends after walking, but in a way it sounds like something that has been on the move for milennias.
i thought that he oversimplified matters but at the core the body mind and spirit are connected. i agree that many people search for an easy solution to a complex problem.as this scientist is well aware most people do not have either the balance or the judgement to handle these powers.this serum was discovered by accident(?) as you go further into the dream more will become evident, i am not sure if this is only an intense dream or communication from another plane of reality. i have a friend of mine with similar interests who thinks the latter.
As we can see from history and nowadays we have the same meager ability as when our weapens were a club, and our
technique has become our Frankenstein monster. It was in the dream discovered by accident, but we have searched for it for centurys, for we do desire power, power to control , and our vast data-bank of thoughts deliver always arguments which we hastily consent to, for the allowance of us to have this power in our possession. The part long sight and different frequences is there, super powers are there, our ability to change dna is there, but because our basic teaching exclude the mastery of feelings, emotions, desires, etc, as our primary goal, we are under the control of fear and do unfortunately not act intelligent in our lives. These powers as are mentioned in the way mentioned is around, so "the latter" I think, as we see it is a serum involved , we then add feelings to our contemporary computer ways and powers goes out of control, on the other hand for the one not interested in powers, as work with what is, and has withdrawn selfidentification from the emptyness of phenomenas, it seems like a transformation is at hand, to balance these kind of powers it is though needed abilities very rare among persons.

i agree wholeheartedly. the history of humanity has been,by and large the history of struggles for power and wealth. what do you of think of the remark of the doctor that moral deficiencies were ,in fact forms of disease which could be treated? i thought he was oversimplifying things somewhat but essentially not mistaken. i do understand the need for strict secrecy. in fact,before i woke up they extracted a promise from me not to speak about this to anyone for 3 years hence the remark of the techmage at the end of the dream. why there should be a 3 year moratorium on this is,if it is real their code would be in place making any theft next to impossible e from history and nowadays we have the same meager ability as when our weapens were a club, and our​

technique has become our Frankenstein monster. It was in the dream discovered by accident, but we have searched for it for centurys, for we do desire power, power to control , and our vast data-bank of thoughts deliver always arguments which we hastily consent to, for the allowance of us to have this power in our possession. The part long sight and different frequences is there, super powers are there, our ability to change dna is there, but because our basic teaching exclude the mastery of feelings, emotions, desires, etc, as our primary goal, we are under the control of fear and do unfortunately not act intelligent in our lives. These powers as are mentioned in the way mentioned is around, so "the latter" I think, as we see it is a serum involved , we then add feelings to our contemporary computer ways and powers goes out of control, on the other hand for the one not interested in powers, as work with what is, and has withdrawn selfidentification from the emptyness of phenomenas, it seems like a transformation is at hand, to balance these kind of powers it is though needed abilities very rare among persons.


Yes it can be treated, but only with and on the basis of love, since love will avoid making painful effects which you do not fancy yourself, so on the physical level of things the serum is barely a temptation, that a master of desires would destroy and the follower of desires will use to gain control and power, but to no good. As a symbolic serum it reflects the feminine and these gang of professions reflect the masculine in desperate effort to control the feminine as the denied source or channel of power, So essential the move away from individual to integrated reflections of the Sacred wholeness or God, and it would be wonderful to have some freedom from the levels of nakednaess.
The secrecy is as usual to keep something for a few, but keep it secret , for powers won't help us, but accidently it might be seen again, if the protection is not all high, anyway the fusion / healing of man where he sees what is again, so the forces looses it's grip on him is needed.
The secrecy is as usual to keep something for a few, but keep it secret , for powers won't help us, but accidently it might be seen again, if the protection is not all high, anyway the fusion / healing of man where he sees what is again, so the forces looses it's grip on him is needed.

yes, Arnfinnius as you point out technique has become our Frankenstein monster .our culture has become one of compartmentalization and denial of feelings,although there are some people of heightened awareness who are working to change this. as you point out the master of desires would have no use for a formula such as this. the slave of desires ,on the other hand would abuse it criminally. exactly why there is a need for such secrecy. it is simply a recognition of the state of humanity at the present. to ensure,by careful selection that only those who use it responsibly will possess it. that narrows down the number to a select few,but not necessarily a form of elitism but rather because there are so few people capable of using it.this society has evolved into as one philosopher put it,the worship of inessentials. it looks for fast,easy solutions,which in the long run usually turn out to be very costly indeed. confronted with a problem whether moral, spiritual or psychological a psychiatric will usually prescribe drugs, some of which increase the problem rather than solve it. i will wait for your answer

Let's see, if we look through the glasses of electrisity in direct current, we see that the identification of what happens was opposite of what did, we understood as the "positive masculine pole" was the giver of energy and the "negative feminine pole" was the receiver of energy, when it later by " accident" was seen the real movement, we kept the old way of identifying it up to this day. It makes all the professions as actuators of this energy which has a feminine source, but it surely also actuate criminality since actuators is reflecting some of what is, so it seems to me to be crucial to always reflect to the truest light transperancy possible, so intelligence can see what is, and deal with it in a fruitful way. So it seems to me that secrecy is reflected when secrecy are to be reflected in some fashion, . I think from this perspective I would say this increase in powers through a personal actuator, " a person", is due to some increased awareness of the feminine soul, and should be worked with transparent, and humans tought to learn how to master their emotions , this shift would make desires and sensations less attractive since the study of something gives a slight detachment.. continued later

Arnfinnius you are so right about the study of things producing a certain detachment . i have experienced this all my life, and my emotions ,if not suppressed then at least not the guiding force in my life. this was true for part of my life,but now i pay much more attention to emotions and feelings. which is what this serum is all about.striking a medium between the two. first balance and then harmony. but the path to achieve this is by no means an easy one. the world around is you is eminently unbalanced and will have no qualms about unbalancing you if you let it. and there is the trick. you must keep yourself on your goal and let nothing distract you. but as both you and i know this not easy by any means. the incredible thing is not that there are so many people easily distracted and out of balance. the remarkable thing. is the ones that do not. once you have set your mind to achieve this no power on earth can prevent it. i await your answer
