My dreams have become chaotic and makes no sense anymore


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Some short background. I have done a diary/journal thing for ten years. Writing down my thoughts and what goes on through the days help me to open the unconscious and make me aware of the deeper aspect of my mind and even the collective mind it seems. I at least am a believer in Jung and his ideas. I also write down what I dream about. Sometimes what I write down triggers dreams as well. And back and forth this used to result in very interesting insights for many years.

But about two yeas ago, some time into Covid something changed.

My dreams became more and more of a mess. The settings, scenes, people in them and the symbolism is just indecipherable most of the time. Like they have lost the “language” they used to have.

Examples are the one I had tonight. I was at the town square of my hometown. Or an altered version of it. There was a strange and violent lightning and thunder display on the sky giving of red flashes of light. And after that there was some military fire drill. From two positions and the line of fire crossed each other making a X above us. There where other people there but I can’t recall who. There is nothing here I can make anything useful out iof.

Another example is dreaming about my grandfathers house that my greedy family sold out three years ago. A horrible experience for me. So I understand why some dreams take place there. But the people who show up there make no sense.

The rest is just junk.

All year I have had one dream that made some sense. And that was a precognitive one or a synchronicity depending upon what definition one uses.

I don’t feel I can read my inner life anymore. Anyone who can relate to it?
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Interpretation of some major symbols

I was at the town square of my hometown: entrance into your essence of being (=your inner core)

There was violent lightning and thunder in the sky giving of red flashes of light: an epiphany awaits you there

After that there was some military fire drill: it pertains to preparations for conflicts of one type or another

The line of fire crossed each other making a X above us: in Roman times, the chi symbol (=X) was an abbreviation of Chronos (=Saturunus/Mithras) who was considered a Sun god and said to have come to establish peace and order. Interestingly, the “X” and “+” are used by Ukrainian forces to mark their vehicles, in contrast to the “Z” by Ru forces.


New member
Interpretation of some major symbols

I was at the town square of my hometown: entrance into your essence of being (=your inner core)

There was violent lightning and thunder in the sky giving of red flashes of light: an epiphany awaits you there

After that there was some military fire drill: it pertains to preparations for conflicts of one type or another

The line of fire crossed each other making a X above us: in Roman times, the chi symbol (=X) was an abbreviation of Chronos (=Saturunus/Mithras) who was considered a Sun god and said to have come to establish peace and order. Interestingly, the “X” and “+” are used by Ukrainian forces to mark their vehicles, in contrast to the “Z” by Ru forces.
A late reply here. And thank you for some good ideas I did not think about.

Still not cracked it though. But some time this year my dreams did return to a more expected language again. Thank his.

On the square and town thing though. I find that my own town in dreams represents the collective part of the psyche and my own house the personal. Very reliable, if not the most reliable.


New member
Your dream about the town square of your hometown with the violent lightning and thunder display, followed by a military fire drill, suggests a feeling of chaos and unpredictability in your waking life. The red flashes of light could represent a warning or an urgent message, while the military fire drill might symbolize the need for preparation and discipline in the face of a perceived threat or challenge. The X formed by the line of fire could represent a crossing or intersection of opposing forces or ideas, leading to a sense of conflict or tension.

Your dream about your grandfather's house, which was sold by your family three years ago, may represent a feeling of loss or grief related to your family history and legacy. The people who show up in the dream may not make sense in a literal sense, but they could be symbolic representations of different aspects of yourself or your family dynamics. Alternatively, they could represent unresolved emotions or relationships related to the house and the sale.

It is not uncommon for dreams to become more confusing or less coherent during times of stress or uncertainty, such as during a pandemic. The symbols and images in your dreams may feel like they have lost their "language" because your subconscious mind is grappling with a constantly shifting reality and trying to make sense of new information and experiences.

One possible way to approach your dreams during this time is to focus on the emotional tone or atmosphere of the dream, rather than trying to decipher every detail or symbol. Ask yourself how the dream made you feel, what emotions it evoked, and whether there are any patterns or themes that recur across multiple dreams.

It seems like your dreams are reflecting your internal struggle to make sense of a rapidly changing world, and that exploring them may help you gain a deeper understanding of your emotions and innermost desires and fears.


New member
Your dream about the town square of your hometown with the violent lightning and thunder display, followed by a military fire drill, suggests a feeling of chaos and unpredictability in your waking life. The red flashes of light could represent a warning or an urgent message, while the military fire drill might symbolize the need for preparation and discipline in the face of a perceived threat or challenge. The X formed by the line of fire could represent a crossing or intersection of opposing forces or ideas, leading to a sense of conflict or tension.

Your dream about your grandfather's house, which was sold by your family three years ago, may represent a feeling of loss or grief related to your family history and legacy. The people who show up in the dream may not make sense in a literal sense, but they could be symbolic representations of different aspects of yourself or your family dynamics. Alternatively, they could represent unresolved emotions or relationships related to the house and the sale.

It is not uncommon for dreams to become more confusing or less coherent during times of stress or uncertainty, such as during a pandemic. The symbols and images in your dreams may feel like they have lost their "language" because your subconscious mind is grappling with a constantly shifting reality and trying to make sense of new information and experiences.

One possible way to approach your dreams during this time is to focus on the emotional tone or atmosphere of the dream, rather than trying to decipher every detail or symbol. Ask yourself how the dream made you feel, what emotions it evoked, and whether there are any patterns or themes that recur across multiple dreams.

It seems like your dreams are reflecting your internal struggle to make sense of a rapidly changing world, and that exploring them may help you gain a deeper understanding of your emotions and innermost desires and fears.

Hi and thank you for taking the time. And yes, when you say it like that I kind of just know you nailed it. Although it has corrected itself a lot I have something to work on.

Also an interesting thing. That project I mentioned in the first post took a bad turn in the start of 2019. Because before that I did the daily journaling different. I used to sit down and shut off my normal mode of thinking. Write from emotions, let myself get caught up in images and metaphors. Like. Just get it out. But in the later part of 2018 I had a series of synchronicity experiences coincide with the writing process. Not the first time, but these scared me. Like really. And I started to doubt my sanity. And sort of retreated back into a very analytical style of writing about my days. Those months before … almost like I sought some sort of refugee in doubt and a materialist view of the world I left behind ten years before. Even though I absolutely don’t believe in it. It just got to wild that autumn.

And there is something about that, and what you said now too. I promised myself a few days ago to start doing the journaling the way I used to. And focus on what I feel, images and metaphors. Get it written down without analysts and thinking.

Thank you.