I've been in a weird mood lately. Last night it crept into my dreams. I don't recall a lot but I was in a big concrete like apartment or dorm style building. I'm pretty certain I lived there. I almost get a futuristic vibe. Anyway, at one point, I am in a ground floor common hall with windows and there is this massive tornado heading towards us. I was with people but they were kind of background characters. We were all stressed and I could see this massive tornado heading towards us. It was massive, heading right for us, didn't look survivable and we were all scrambling about trying to shelter ourselves. I (with others) shifted to one side of this hall, expecting it to cut through it if it hit but somehow I knew that it wouldn't. It changed course at the last minute. I know there were other themes going on in this dream but this is really all I recall and I kept recalling that part throughout the day. I can't really pinpoint what in my life this may represent.