

New member
I've been in a weird mood lately. Last night it crept into my dreams. I don't recall a lot but I was in a big concrete like apartment or dorm style building. I'm pretty certain I lived there. I almost get a futuristic vibe. Anyway, at one point, I am in a ground floor common hall with windows and there is this massive tornado heading towards us. I was with people but they were kind of background characters. We were all stressed and I could see this massive tornado heading towards us. It was massive, heading right for us, didn't look survivable and we were all scrambling about trying to shelter ourselves. I (with others) shifted to one side of this hall, expecting it to cut through it if it hit but somehow I knew that it wouldn't. It changed course at the last minute. I know there were other themes going on in this dream but this is really all I recall and I kept recalling that part throughout the day. I can't really pinpoint what in my life this may represent.


Active member
In your dream, the tornado represents a formidable challenge or upheaval you perceive in your life, which seems overwhelming and inevitable. The fact that you and the others managed to find shelter in a common hall and the tornado changed course at the last minute suggests that even though situations might seem dire, there will be a way out or a solution that spares you from the worst.

The dream indicates resilience and protection amidst chaos. It may tell you that while stress and challenges are part of life, you have the support and inner resources to navigate them successfully.


New member
In your dream, the tornado represents a formidable challenge or upheaval you perceive in your life, which seems overwhelming and inevitable. The fact that you and the others managed to find shelter in a common hall and the tornado changed course at the last minute suggests that even though situations might seem dire, there will be a way out or a solution that spares you from the worst.

The dream indicates resilience and protection amidst chaos. It may tell you that while stress and challenges are part of life, you have the support and inner resources to navigate them successfully.
Thanks for that insight Dreammerchant. I'm not exactly a newbie to trying to decipher meaningful dreams but sometimes a fresh, outside perspective helps. Yours certainly did for me with this. I think I was trying to find a specific issue in my life to tie ti to but it does make more sense from a more distant perspective.


Active member
I'm glad the interpretation resonated with you! It's often easier to find clarity with an outside perspective, especially when interpreting dreams, which can be symbolic and abstract. Feel free to reach out if you have any more dreams you'd like to explore or any other questions about dreams and sleep. Happy dreaming!
Several years ago, I experienced a tornado-related dream - even though I lived in regions where significant tornadoes are unknown.

I was walking within an outdoor concrete labyrinth. From what I've understood about those overlooked weather-conditions preceeding potential tornado conditions, I felt that the weather that day felt subtlty different than usual.

As I proceeded through the labyrinth, the sky slightly darkened, with a slight purple tone to the daylight was noted. JUst as I began searching for an exit, the wind came up, moderate rain began falling, and I felt a change in the air-pressure, with the wind blowing stronger and stronger and stronger.

I dropped to the floor, and debated whether or not this labyrinth would offer protection, or amplify the wind as the moderate strength twister passed almost overhead. After about a scary one half minute, and maximum fear, the twister passed, the daylight returned to normal, the sun came out, and the temperature dropped significantly to become brisk and chilly-like.
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New member
For me, they are generally symbolic of chaos/anxiety/frustration. I THINK when this dream occurred, it puzzled me b/c I couldn't relate it to anything specific going on in my life, at least not anything significant enough to normally trigger that type of dream imagery. I say think b/c I really don't recall this dream. Reading my own post I have some recall of how I felt about it but no detail. I find that happens a lot to me now. There are dreams I had as a child that I still recall vividly and I've always seemed to work through a lot of real life stuff in my dreams. I used to have good recall but now I'm lucky if I remember any details at all by lunch time. I find more than details now I recall the feel and mood, sometimes even more of a real world relationship or situation that it seems pertinent to. It's really an odd new twist to dreams for me.
Well there may not be anything that you can link the dream to in real life such as stress,temper etc. But it seems interesting that you say that you have been in a weird mood recently. I always try to analyse dreams in reverse. I try to look for issues which trigger your dreams. So how could this tornado dream depict that weird mood? Dreams show not the reality of your life but rather the reality of your emotions. Have you got some more details about this weird mood you say you've been in. The dream could play out how you are engaging to thoughts which exist in your own mind.
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