a journey across several destinations and insightful communication

this dream begins with a place where i was temporarily resident. my next door neighbor was a highly intelligent but very opinionated man. at the committee meeting he made intelligent proposals such as a citizens investigation into the conduct of special interests in bribing public officials,but proposing them in such an abrasive manner that many members of the committee were put of by what they saw as his aggressive,combative personality . that was true but i hoped they would not lose sight of the merit of his proposals because of how they were presented. then the train arrived.both j. hickory and j. linden were on the train. they greeted me. when the train pulled out it headed first north then northeast. then it dropped us off at a natural foods store here a meeting was going on. at the meeting it was found out that they were waiting for a shipment of protein nutraceutical foods , which could counter the effects of a mind altering drug which had been injected into the food. one of their trucks had been attacked. they suspected it was the doing of the big company which had produced the drug . then 2 hours later the train came back ti pick us up. i promised to investigate the cause of the missing shipment. then the train took us south,then southwest. it dropped us off at a busy street corner. our destination was a restaurant on the far southern end of the corner. it had 4 levels. on the ground floor it was informal, with vinyl tables and a lunch counter. on the second level it was more formal, with teakwood dining tables with linen napkins. the third level was closed to all but employees and management. the fourth level- here was where our mission took us. at first we were greeted cordially and made to feel welcome . it was on the fourth floor that this religious group -which some called a cult- had its headquarters. its members included the owner of the restaurant and most of its employees . now they claimed to be guided by an astral being.they could receive communications and instructions from this astral being by activating a sigil on- well, i had better describe it in detail . at the top of a diagonal stairway leading to the ceiling .behind red damask curtains there was a metal object with a spiral in the middle. when it was activated, as it was now they could open a door to communication with this being. the spiral began to glow and vibrate. then the the voice began to speak. in a low enough tone at first, then more clearly, then finally in a thunderous metallic roar which reverbrated thoughout the entire room. immediately both my friends descended to the third level. after a talk we decided to activate our shields.then we went back to ground level. in effect, they were worshiping this being as a God, even though they did not explicitly say so. we had a conference. we thought that this being was benign was extremely unlikely. they seemed to have very little independent judgement or critical thinking where this was concerned. they accepted whatever he said without question. on the ground floor in the restaurant we encountered people who seemed like martial arts warriors, we had quite an interesting conversation with them. then the train came back to pick us up. we had been there exactly 2 hours. next the train headed in a northerly direction ,then northeast. it dropped us off at a coffee shop. where the conversation with some people who seemed to be waiting for us was mostly about interaction between spirit and matter. also about interdimensional interaction. how humanity was on the verge of a great awakening. then the train came back to pick us up. we had been there exactly 2 hours . then i woke up. if anyone thinks they can help interpret this dream,please try

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Wow, what an incredible journey you had! And loaded with things you can learn from it.

Even if they are reinforcements of what you already know, they are still valuable, especially from the standpoint of added perspective--the more perspective-angles you have of a truth ("verifications," you might consider them) the more confidently you can build upon those truths.

At least to me, this dream feels *designed* (if you want to view it that way) as reinforcement, as getting you to feel the truth of various things, even as you were part of a practical movement (councilperson-type?) to find solutions to the growing problems, first from the dangers of corporate greed/control freaks (who want to shackle human future rather than free/empower it--and I find the consistent nutrition angle interesting/important), and then from the fake certainty/harm of narrow-minded zealotry of a religious nature. I like how you made all your train rides (perhaps it was waiting on you), and that it delivered you exactly where you needed to be each time. Even with the train journeys, trying to counter foolishness in a region is indeed a full time job. :D

From what I have witnessed among people, we cannot have enough of these types of warning-guiding dreams, heh. Thanks for sharing.


I also see how the tampering with food could represent a lack of faith and trust in government figures, and while the people worshipped their god, you questioned this also, maybe within you there may be a sense of searching for truth, maybe your subconscious is asking you to go within and connect inwards to god, knowing this feeling of devotion and love is within you, there is the number 2 mentioned again, just like the Empress in your previous dream with 2 dragons, the feminine and masculine aspects of god, and this is how we have inter dimensional contact by going within ourselves, when you have trust in god, we don’t need a shield, and the door is always open, all we have to do is walk through it. You may also ask yourself how you see various religions, what makes you think there god is not your god? We must try to see the interconnectiveness of all things, and that we are not separate but connected. Your next door neighbour is a very highly opinionated man, could this aspect exist within you? This may require some deep introspection, remembering the restaurant symbolises nourishment for the soul, the fourth floor in the subconscious was the god aspect you felt you needed shielding from. On another note protein facilitate meaningful conversations between our earthly existence and cosmic energy, proteins are important building blocks in our body aiding growth and repair, spiritually they represent personal development or transformations, it symbolize substance & life-giving power bestowed upon us by God, which you referred to as spirit and matter.
I also see how the tampering with food could represent a lack of faith and trust in government figures, and while the people worshipped their god, you questioned this also, maybe within you there may be a sense of searching for truth, maybe your subconscious is asking you to go within and connect inwards to god, knowing this feeling of devotion and love is within you, there is the number 2 mentioned again, just like the Empress in your previous dream with 2 dragons, the feminine and masculine aspects of god, and this is how we have inter dimensional contact by going within ourselves, when you have trust in god, we don’t need a shield, and the door is always open, all we have to do is walk through it. You may also ask yourself how you see various religions, what makes you think there god is not your god? We must try to see the interconnectiveness of all things, and that we are not separate but connected. Your next door neighbour is a very highly opinionated man, could this aspect exist within you? This may require some deep introspection, remembering the restaurant symbolises nourishment for the soul, the fourth floor in the subconscious was the god aspect you felt you needed shielding from. On another note protein facilitate meaningful conversations between our earthly existence and cosmic energy, proteins are important building blocks in our body aiding growth and repair, spiritually they represent personal development or transformations, it symbolize substance & life-giving power bestowed upon us by God, which you referred to as spirit and matter.

,it is true about my subconscious (or,by now,not so subconscious ) call to go inwards to find god. while i do not entirely reject organized religion i do recognize that they have only part of the answer, and that,for the most part their knowledge is incomplete. when you have perfect faith in god, it is true you need no shield.but we were still on this plane of existence, dealing with an unknown force, the plane where all kinds of forces and distractions operate. forces you do indeed need to build a defense against. this force ,with its apparent demand for unquestioning obedience did not come across as benevolent or loving . now proteins are exactly as you say, a connection between this, the corporeal plane and the spiritual plane,and the corporal body was under attack by this additive producing mind altering effects. i will not go into detail here about the complex ways the body,mind and spirit interact. i will only say when this happens this action must be counteracted. the shipment being held up and my promising to investigate the matter is important to the extent it reflects the belief that there are certain forces at work that do not want this evolution of humanity into a higher state of existence to take place. why that should be,i cannot answer. they fear the great awakening . do not ask me why. as for the Empress and higher spiritual beings wanting to communicate, we will hear more of that later



It is true there are evil forces in the world right now, but we have to have faith and trust in the divine, and stay true to ourselves, maybe your shield represents divine protection. You are right to discern yourself from these deeds, but no power is greater than the lords. We can see signs as we reflect at the fire in California, where concrete buildings were burnt to ashes, yet natures trees still stood tall with only their bark slightly charred, and our Mary Mother statue that was recovered, still intact with only a little discolouration from the ashes, these are the words of our divine god, so your dream may also reflect of all of this within the subconscious, that you are trusting in the gut feeling and knowing.