j. oak 357silversword
this dream begins with a place where i was temporarily resident. my next door neighbor was a highly intelligent but very opinionated man. at the committee meeting he made intelligent proposals such as a citizens investigation into the conduct of special interests in bribing public officials,but proposing them in such an abrasive manner that many members of the committee were put of by what they saw as his aggressive,combative personality . that was true but i hoped they would not lose sight of the merit of his proposals because of how they were presented. then the train arrived.both j. hickory and j. linden were on the train. they greeted me. when the train pulled out it headed first north then northeast. then it dropped us off at a natural foods store here a meeting was going on. at the meeting it was found out that they were waiting for a shipment of protein nutraceutical foods , which could counter the effects of a mind altering drug which had been injected into the food. one of their trucks had been attacked. they suspected it was the doing of the big company which had produced the drug . then 2 hours later the train came back ti pick us up. i promised to investigate the cause of the missing shipment. then the train took us south,then southwest. it dropped us off at a busy street corner. our destination was a restaurant on the far southern end of the corner. it had 4 levels. on the ground floor it was informal, with vinyl tables and a lunch counter. on the second level it was more formal, with teakwood dining tables with linen napkins. the third level was closed to all but employees and management. the fourth level- here was where our mission took us. at first we were greeted cordially and made to feel welcome . it was on the fourth floor that this religious group -which some called a cult- had its headquarters. its members included the owner of the restaurant and most of its employees . now they claimed to be guided by an astral being.they could receive communications and instructions from this astral being by activating a sigil on- well, i had better describe it in detail . at the top of a diagonal stairway leading to the ceiling .behind red damask curtains there was a metal object with a spiral in the middle. when it was activated, as it was now they could open a door to communication with this being. the spiral began to glow and vibrate. then the the voice began to speak. in a low enough tone at first, then more clearly, then finally in a thunderous metallic roar which reverbrated thoughout the entire room. immediately both my friends descended to the third level. after a talk we decided to activate our shields.then we went back to ground level. in effect, they were worshiping this being as a God, even though they did not explicitly say so. we had a conference. we thought that this being was benign was extremely unlikely. they seemed to have very little independent judgement or critical thinking where this was concerned. they accepted whatever he said without question. on the ground floor in the restaurant we encountered people who seemed like martial arts warriors, we had quite an interesting conversation with them. then the train came back to pick us up. we had been there exactly 2 hours. next the train headed in a northerly direction ,then northeast. it dropped us off at a coffee shop. where the conversation with some people who seemed to be waiting for us was mostly about interaction between spirit and matter. also about interdimensional interaction. how humanity was on the verge of a great awakening. then the train came back to pick us up. we had been there exactly 2 hours . then i woke up. if anyone thinks they can help interpret this dream,please try
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