a perplexing dream

this began with walking along a road near a very busy highway. i walked to the overpass and looked down on a traffic jam. cars and trucks were bumper to bumper. then i had the feeling i had to get somewhere. i found myself moving through the air. i could see the tops of trucks directly below me.the movement could be described as half swimming, half floating. i followed the highway for about four and a half miles until i came to an oblong building i knew was my destination. the next thing i knew i was inside.the place was an interesting mix of an office building and a shopping emporium,it had several floors. over to one side i saw offices,over to another stores and a marketplace i scanned the place very carefully, deciding where i wanted to go,finally deciding on a store just across from where i was. i finally settled on a store directly across. it seemed like a combination arts and crafts and bookstore.equally interesting as the store were its occupants. the first one in conservative business suit and tie. the second one dressed like a monk with bright orange and saffron robe and tonsured head. the third one was an anthropoid feline with light golden fur mixed with splotches of white, wearing a gray-purple robe. claimed the ability to communicate with any living being by reading its energy and a highly advanced form of telepathy. i surveyed the room. it had many unusual objects. the monk went over to a white porcelain jar about 4 feet high,walked around it 5 times clockwise and said"3 coins 2 brass 1 copper" i reached into my pocket , produced the 3 coins and threw them in the jar. then he went over to a black lacquer jar about the same size as the other,walked around it 5 times counterclockwise and said"3 coins 2 silver 1 gold" i reached into my other pocket and threw aforementioned coins into the black jar. the the anthromorphic cat said" oh good. you will see plenty of benefits to come from this". i cannot recall all of the conversation but it was very encouraging. when i left it was by more conventional means-i remember going out in the shopping center and walking through the door- but a vehicle was waiting for me. something like a heliocopter but moving noiselessy. i got in. the driver never spoke. i could not see very much of his face. he had a lens and goggles on. this vehicle went up about 8 feet in the air. then he turned and went down a wide boulevard., then increased speed when we came to a place where the boulevard turned downward. we soon reached a very busy intersection. he stopped. on either side there were a group of people watching us. those on the right hand side left the greatest impression. one was dressed like a military officer of the 1800s,with a black cocked hat.another one seemed to have been geographer with a sextant and a map. i was thinking "what next" when i became concious of a soft golden light from above. soothing and calming.
Well mr Silversword , the dream is much about choosing among options on display out of an inclination of preferred feelings.

As long as you win in the lottery , you will keep a position of comfort .

If we look into Buddhas fundamental urge, it is based on 3 facts , My death, my ageing, my illness. Since they cannot be avoided , they must be taken in account. That means in this settings that you can only avoid these pains for an uncontrolled period of time.

So lasting happyness is not on the same level of experienced lifesituations that the dream have on it’s bargain.

The central problem of our world’s arrangement is it’s foundation in competition, and to take part in it, we choose one side of the whole of it, and this creates unnescessary pain, as we in turn must encounter. For those who have an ability to experience unlimited pain, this works fine.

Kind Regards Arnfinnius
Well mr Silversword , the dream is much about choosing among options on display out of an inclination of preferred feelings.

As long as you win in the lottery , you will keep a position of comfort .

If we look into Buddhas fundamental urge, it is based on 3 facts , My death, my ageing, my illness. Since they cannot be avoided , they must be taken in account. That means in this settings that you can only avoid these pains for an uncontrolled period of time.

So lasting happyness is not on the same level of experienced lifesituations that the dream have on it’s bargain.

The central problem of our world’s arrangement is it’s foundation in competition, and to take part in it, we choose one side of the whole of it, and this creates unnescessary pain, as we in turn must encounter. For those who have an ability to experience unlimited pain, this works fine.

Kind Regards Arnfinnius
you are right about competition. one of the major problems in my life has been due to being non-competitive in a highly competitive society. what the meaning of the monk and the two jars and the coins thrown into them is something neither my friends nor i have been able to figure out. they sayy subconscious feelings come to the forefront in dream state. while this is true many dreams have been so complex that it required a long time to discern its meaning. what the vehicle symbolized,i am not certain of either but i have some idea.the golden light was a peaceful ,soothing calming light. the people on the right side of the corner were very diverse. the first one i described was dressed like a field marshal of the 1800s with a scarlet uniform and mounted on a brown horse. the geographer was dressed in a dark green robe with sextant and compass and holding a map in his hand. all of this represents something buried in the layer of the subconscious and once your has deciphered them you go a long way toward unstanding yourself better.
Hello mr Silversword, I have gone through your dream told again and given some notes and interpretations of symbols . I have done a intertweening with dream told and my added comments.
But it did not appear so after pasting my text, so don't hesitate to ask...
I admire greatly your eloquent language and detailed dream memory, and is not doubting that you can receive a privileged position in this world if you choose that.
this began with walking along a road near a very busy highway. i walked to the overpass and looked

Here your intention for overpassing is important, if you changed mind , or decided direction, while overpassing or not. This because you changed what road and maybe direction, or didn’t succeed to cross the “river”, dependent on what intention was there in the first situation.

You are looking down on a overburdened way of moving in life, your feeling you had to get somewhere is swimming, floating you along a level of the road that is not that stuck as the gross level of this road.
down on a traffic jam. cars and trucks were bumper to bumper. then i had the feeling i had to get somewhere. i found myself moving through the air. i could see the tops of trucks directly below me.the movement could be described as half swimming, half floating. i followed the highway for about four and a half miles until i came to an oblong building i knew was my destination. the next

The Oblong building is the main reason of this burdened road you arrived there along.

thing i knew i was inside.the place was an interesting mix of an office building and a shopping emporium,it had several floors. over to one side i saw offices,over to another stores and a marketplace i scanned the place very carefully, deciding where i wanted to go,finally deciding on a

You make your choice, going shopping.

store just across from where i was. i finally settled on a store directly across. it seemed like a combination arts and crafts and bookstore.equally interesting as the store were its occupants. the first one in conservative business suit and tie. the second one dressed like a monk with bright orange and saffron robe and tonsured head. the third one was an anthropoid feline with light golden

The conservative…. Is the foundation of the place.
The monk is your spiritual struggle
The feline is your attraction to sensual pleasure, and the pleasures related to achievements.

fur mixed with splotches of white, wearing a gray-purple robe. claimed the ability to communicate with any living being by reading its energy and a highly advanced form of telepathy. i surveyed the room. it had many unusual objects. the monk went over to a white porcelain jar about 4 feet

This two jars represent two different ways of moving on in life, you have for the moment not made your choice, as you see the monk seems to rather neutral show up whats on bargain.

The feline has given approval of what is of it’s sensual nature, saying ....

high,walked around it 5 times clockwise and said"3 coins 2 brass 1 copper" i reached into my pocket , produced the 3 coins and threw them in the jar. then he went over to a black lacquer jar about the same size as the other,walked around it 5 times counterclockwise and said"3 coins 2 silver 1 gold" i reached into my other pocket and threw aforementioned coins into the black jar. the the anthromorphic cat said" oh good. you will see plenty of benefits to come from this". i cannot recall all of the conversation but it was very encouraging. when i left it was by more conventional means-i

As you can see the comfort of the level flyes you away, but you are not in command, steeringposition , but a passenger.

remember going out in the shopping center and walking through the door- but a vehicle was waiting for me. something like a heliocopter but moving noiselessy. i got in. the driver never spoke. i could not see very much of his face. he had a lens and goggles on. this vehicle went up about 8 feet in the air. then he turned and went down a wide boulevard., then increased speed when we came to a place where the boulevard turned downward. we soon reached a very busy intersection. he stopped. on either side there were a group of people watching us. those on the right hand side left the greatest impression. one was dressed like a military officer of the 1800s,with a black cocked hat.another one seemed to have been geographer with a sextant and a map. i was thinking "what next" when i became concious of a soft golden light from above. soothing and calming.

The military is regarded to safety and order under the psychology the time displayed according to his costume. He is a rider which refers to what he is a controller of, the brown color of his horse refers to physicality in an earthy way.

The geographer is the man who have abilities to find the way, the path.

The soft golden light is a reflection of the supreme intelligence, that is governing all.

The White jar is to be selected alone if competition shall end. Then you do not compete or do not not compete, you just withdraw the position from where you look onto things to a place where there are not any competition, for there are not polarities there. To do so you must abondon your will, then also the socalled “reality” will seem more like a dream and you will be helped of this in your understanding of symbols,

I Hope you have some help of this in understanding the dream.

Kind regards Arnfinnius
hello arnfinnius i think your analysis is for the most part a correct one. it would make sense considering how i view the society and its values on the whole. that is to say a mad scramble for all the things ephemeral and substantial things either secondary or ignored. as one philosopher put it,the worship of inessentials. so my moving over the traffic jam reflects accurately what i have been doing in waking reality. not joining in it,but moving around it. as to your observation on the monk and the two jars, i had never thought of it that way but on examination i think it may be right. not restricting myself to one path but accepting them for what they are. as to the meaning of the different types of coins i still have not completely figured that one out yet,but clearly there is symbolism there. i think you are right in interpreting the meaning of the soldier and the geographer. the golden light, of course is divine healing,which i felt in that moment. until next time, my sincere regards