Is there some force or problem coming against you at this time?I had a dream where it was very windy and I saw myself blowing/floating away and was standing there calling out my name. Seemed like forever I was calling myself then suddenly I woke up. It felt so real. Any ideas on this meaning?
So your name is John and, you John, you baptized Jesus, ... the sky opened and the holy spirit decended like a dove on the head of Jesus. And just that is why your Soul/God, your Higher Self, your Better Ha!f standing there screamed in disbeleave when He saw you had given Lucifer the oportunithy taking you(!), take it away with his whirlwindI had a dream where it was very windy and I saw myself blowing/floating away and was standing there calling out my name. Seemed like forever I was calling myself then suddenly I woke up. It felt so real. Any ideas on this meaning?