I had a strange dream last night I am trying to make sense of, more so that I don’t know much about Allah religion, I come from a catholic family, but myself I don’t follow religion, i am more spiritually follow the Buddha path, i have never found a connection to any, and so I choose a secular life, not looking at the divide but with the connection as a whole, but I woke from a lucid dream, I was in a church type of building in my astral form, I watched an old man enter I think he was speaking in Arabic, and he was chanting and praying using the name Allah, he was doing this all evening until night and then he slept, I had a feeling he had been doing this all his life with his devotion. While he was sleeping I saw through a window screen a young man he was flying like an angel and he had a spiralled wand, he began to touch the walls with his wand and it was like he was painting beautiful colours on them, he did this overnight revealing the true colours, I remember seeing a number under his wand but I couldn’t fully recall it when I woke, 080926 it was like an RN number but I couldn’t recall this exactly, there was also a 4 digit pin in the form of 4 underscores which was not revealed, I figured how this mans prayers were answered, I am going to have to look into this dream a bit more, I welcome any views on this?
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