Dream of old house


New member
Hi all, any ideas what my recurring dream means, please? I often dream that I have returned to my husband’s and my old house, we moved from there 7 yrs ago. We’ve been very happy in our new house since. The dream is always that we are there without the new owners knowing, and they often come back when we are there, so we have to try and sneak out or hide. Any ideas???? Thanks so much in advance!

The Artful

New member
I also have dreams of old homes and random old houses. I think it's a reflection on past experience- a kind of "past life" or "old haunt". It might suggest you want to rekindle some part of the experience with renewed vigor or 'youthful optimism'. Maybe a dream or goal that was never quite realized? Maybe you feel shy about bringing it up again so, it's hidden or chewed away. Anything inside the house standing out?