Dreams where I am riding between a woman and a girl in a regular cab truck

I had a really disturbing one of these dreams last night. In the dream, the girl and I were spending an unusually long time waiting in the truck for the woman to get in. The girl was being really annoying invading my space, touching me, and taking right in my face. Her breath really stunk and I kept having to smell it. I kept trying to get her to stop and she kept doing it. I finally had enough and shoved her away from me when she was in my space. Right after I did, the woman was getting into the truck and then got in my face and screamed at me for pushing to girl and told me I shouldn't be touching her. The woman's breath smelled even worse than the girls when she was in my face screaming at me. Once she was done yelling at me, the woman tried to start the truck but couldn't get it to start up. She got more and more irritable the longer she spent trying to get it started. After spending a while trying to start it, she noticed something really stunk in the truck and then discovered I had stepped in dog poop. When the dream ended, the woman was in my face screaming at me for stepping in dog poop and tracking it in her truck. I really felt trapped in this dream and it felt really unpleasant being stuck in the middle seat between the woman and the girl.

The past week has been extremely stressful at work as I have been dealing with lots of grumbling and infighting the schedule for next week and no-one wants to have to work and it has been really unpleasant and draining dealing with it. I think the rough week is the reason I had the unusually unpleasant dream.
It is certainly a strong cooperation between your worksituation and these dreams. Have you made a note about what behaviour you will not tolerate anymore and how you demand it to be , if you are to stay in office any longer ?
And do you have a reasonable possibility for you to take the leave?
It is a very good practice of tolerance to stay in such situations if you are able to do it with compassion, if not look for the door...
If so do continue to make it visible when offended.