Gleaning practical insights from dreams?

Anybody able to glean and apply practical insights from sleep dreams? How can insights gleaned from dreams augment one's occupations, professions, trades?
In a dream there is no physicality, you experience ex. a house, but there is no house, only an impression, experience of a house. You dream of your brother doing something that offence you, you ask him the next day , why ? He looks on you in a nonunderstanding way, for he were not there.
If you are going to interact in a positive dynamic, between the dreamers reality and the dreams recallers reality in ex. your profession, which is a secondary reflection, you must understand that your daily I, me, is also a reflection of your life and not your life in a greater degree than your dream me.
When you accept this, you can start studying every thing that happens as language as information about yourself , what you are, and your surroundings .
Since you know are not anymore identifies with things, occupation, profession, trade etc, you have established a freedom, that will maximize positive developement of your life.
If you did not hang on with this , give in a dream that you have question related to your first question.
In a dream there is no physicality, you experience ex. a house, but there is no house, only an impression, experience of a house. You dream of your brother doing something that offence you, you ask him the next day , why ? He looks on you in a nonunderstanding way, for he were not there.
If you are going to interact in a positive dynamic, between the dreamers reality and the dreams recallers reality in ex. your profession, which is a secondary reflection, you must understand that your daily I, me, is also a reflection of your life and not your life in a greater degree than your dream me.
When you accept this, you can start studying every thing that happens as language as information about yourself , what you are, and your surroundings .
Since you know are not anymore identifies with things, occupation, profession, trade etc, you have established a freedom, that will maximize positive developement of your life.
If you did not hang on with this , give in a dream that you have question related to your first question.
I don't quite follow your response, I can expand on the topic of how sleep dreams sometimes augment my occupation.

My occupation involves the spotting, and follow-up research of often overlooked consumer trends. I periodically have sleep dreams which reflect my work experiences. Most of these dreams involve rather novel examples - that is examples not of interest regarding current trends.

The valued trend findings (and much of my work) are rather mundane - and recently a mundane example showed up in a sleep dream. In short, this dream was related to current trends on promising (again mundane) environmental / green products, services, practices, etc. etc. -that is such trends are ripe for becoming increasingly applied far beyond mere novelty examples.

In my previous 'Dream Forum' post, I mentioned, and order the book 'The Creative Dreamer: Using Your Dreams to Unlock Your Creativity' by 'Veronica Tonay.' From reading about Tonay's book, I will read 'The Creative Dreamer...........' with much interest.


New member
It really depends on well you know yourself. The more you understand yourself you can understand your dreams better. With that you begin to noitice thing. For example when I dream in sunlight this is a future event in my concious life. When i have a dark dream it is my subconcious. for you it may be different. Sometimes whenI worked I was a Police Detective. I would dream about the murders iI was investigating and I woud find out who the murder was.


When we sleep the brain processes the information of the day. A lot of that info is registered through our eyes, that's probably why we dream in pictures in the first place. So dreams are part of that processing mingled with subconscious messages. In your waking life you may have (subconsciously) picked up signs or information that contain the solution to your problem/task. But in your waking life you are too busy to pay attention to those things, so they pop up in your dreams. That's not unusual.

As I child I would sometimes misplace thing. I searched far and wide without success only to have it's location revealed in my dreams.
In later years I had a dream concerning my work environment, where my superior complained to me that people avoided him. I couldn't make sense of it at the time, but a couple days later, a co-worker talked to me addressing a problem people had with me. Now my subconscious had already picked up on people avoiding me, but I was too preoccupied to notice in my waking life.


New member
The pictorail sence of dreams is often that helper in your dream does not speak and langauge you understand. So the pictures are used to convey the message.. Our past selves and future selves and mybe our angels, other spirtis or dreamers could be helping or providing info. Dreaming is being in the 4th dimension. No limits to time and space.