How seriously do we take the rather mundane insights of dreams?

Dreams can offer valuable insights on our occupations, business, etc. etc. - yet the more valued dream insights will more often than not be more or less mundane.

Is there a growing interest to journal, and post online those rather mundane, yet important dreams?
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I had inquired to CHAT-GPT regarding the potential value of sleep-dreams.

-- My inquiry as follows:

Any knowledge of the book,'The Committee of Sleep: How Artists, Scientists, and Athletes Use Dreams for Creative Problem-Solving—and How You Can Too' by 'Deirdre Barrett?' Any knowledge of how people can use their rather mundane dream insights for advantages in careers, business etc.?

-- CHAT-GPT response:

Yes, "The Committee of Sleep: How Artists, Scientists, and Athletes Use Dreams for Creative Problem-Solving—and How You Can Too" by Deirdre Barrett explores the fascinating realm of dreams and their potential applications in various aspects of life.

In the book, Barrett delves into the idea that dreams can serve as a source of inspiration and problem-solving for individuals across different fields, including artists, scientists, and athletes. She discusses how people can harness the insights gained from their dreams to enhance their creativity, overcome obstacles, and improve performance.

Regarding how people can use their mundane dream insights for advantages in careers and business, it often comes down to recognizing patterns, symbolism, and subconscious messages within dreams. Even seemingly mundane dreams can contain valuable insights that can be applied to real-world situations. Here are some ways individuals might leverage their dream insights:

1. **Problem-solving:** Dreams often present scenarios and challenges that reflect real-life issues. By analyzing these dreams, individuals can gain fresh perspectives on problems they're facing in their careers or businesses.

2. **Creativity:** Dreams can be a wellspring of creative ideas. Paying attention to recurring themes or imagery in dreams can spark innovative thinking and lead to new approaches or solutions in professional endeavors.

3. **Intuition:** Dreams tap into the subconscious mind, which can offer intuitive insights that may not be immediately apparent during waking hours. Trusting and exploring these intuitive nudges from dreams can guide decision-making in career or business contexts.

4. **Stress reduction and insight:** Exploring dreams can provide insights into subconscious worries or anxieties that may be affecting performance or decision-making. By addressing these underlying issues, individuals can improve their overall well-being and effectiveness in their professional lives.

Ultimately, the key lies in paying attention to dreams, reflecting on their potential meanings, and actively incorporating any valuable insights gained into one's career or business strategies. While not every dream may hold profound significance, remaining open to the possibility can lead to unexpected benefits and personal growth.