{continued} in this field many of the enemy were down,some were wandering the field with the dazed look of battle shock,some were lying on the ground,some were still standing, and a few of them still had a defiant look . one of them tried to get up and say something. "it will not and cannot-" but that was as far as he got. instantly a beam of white-silver light hit him and down he went. one of them said "this is impossible" 3 beams hit him,1 gold 1 pine green and1 ocean blue hit him and he was down in a split second. a third one said "no good will come out of this" ZAPPP a lime green and a white sapphire beam went into action ,knocking him up against a wagon, which he collapsed into. now what does all this mean? crushing the morale of the enemy? neutralizing any potential opposition? it could easily thought to be that. so here is where a further explanation is necessary. if any of the opposing side simply wandered the field or simply went about their business they were left alone. but if they said something cynical or negative, hostile or pessimistic he would to a dose of gemstone or fruit rays,or sometimes even metal rays from captured weapons if they seemed appropriate. one man said