Random faces when i try sleep


New member
Hello all,

I am new here, i try to find answers to why i see random faces of people when i try to sleep. I try empty my mind and then faces of people i dont know show up, very briefly and change to another face fast. Young, old, men, women. Never someone i recognize. Some look like in the past, some look recent. Some look happy, other serious. Some just look at me, other move their lips but i dont hear words. Very few turn into scary things... I cant deal with it, I drink a lot because if i fall asleep fast i dont see them.

Why do i see this people? I just want to sleep.
Your pineal gland has rods and cones in it and is connected to your visual cortex. Astronauts are known to see space radiations while their eyes are closed. Your brain could be receiving images much like an antenna, which is probably rare, but not physically impossible.


New member
This is very interesting...because I had almost the same experience a few times. But for me it was only very short. Because some random person I don't recognize popping in my head visually kind of shook me awake very fast... so I guess it didn't really have the time to change into other faces... because I was so confused that it triggered my consciousness and made me snap out of this half dream state. I actually didn't really think much of it at the time. I was very curious as well asking myself where this person suddenly came from. But because this was in a period in my life when I was taking much hard drugs and often stayed awake for way to long, I didn't really think about it very long after... I just assumed it was a weird artifact caused by drugs and/or sleep deprivation... idk what to think of it either tbh...


New member
An opening caution: our experiences and how we condition ourselves to handle them are so different that perhaps the only benefit you can get is the fact we can share (and isn't that a wonderful thing?).

I have had "visitations" from something female-human-looking exactly three times when I was first falling asleep, and she looked different every time (and felt like a total stranger). The first time, I jerked awake with the anxiety of realizing someone was standing over me, analyzing me curiously, and when my eyes flew open, I still saw her for the second it took for my leg to kick out in reflex, trying to push her out of my personal space! Of course, I touched nothing, and thought, "What a mind trip!" and thought nothing more of it--until it happened again shortly afterward (cannot remember if it was the next night but definitely within the week). This time at least I didn't react violently, but it was tough settling back into sleep as well. Upon dwelling on it, I realized this could very well be a test: would I make up crazy stuff about it and freak out, making the incident far worse than it needed to be, or would I handle it more smoothly/wisely?

The third time it happened, it still made my pulse race and gave the adrenaline hit just like the last two times, yet this time I controlled it, opened my mind and accepted it as something I could not prevent, only make a choice in how I was going to accept it. I said aloud, "You can come visit anytime," just on the off-chance that it was somehow not all inside my mind/senses, professing my acceptance to such an intrusive experience...and I have not had anything like that happen since (almost 2 years later). It was as if my forcing a calm acceptance *was* the test being passed and so it didn't need to repeat. Was it really a test of sorts, of conditioning or awareness or simple willpower? I have no clue other than what I observed, but it was fascinating enough to include in my novel, Dream Knights, happening to a fictitious character in there (in the story she freaks out and cannot handle it well, but I contend what actually happened to me is more fascinating if less dramatic).

I wish you well in your own understandings, and hope this helps a bit.