Recurring city dream

The location repeats but the story is different every time. This city feels like nothing like present day cities. No dirt or trees or plants. Very clean. No cars, the streets are only about one lane in most places. Tall buildings, some towers. This location is an urban center and gives me a movie like impression. Maybe like New York but new and undamaged. This time it was Christmas and I went to get a dinner and walked through an area I went through before in previous dreams. I walked down a particluar street, seeing it from a different position. The dream seemed very familiar but it wasnt till I awakened that I noticed it was a recurring location.

Also of note is that I am getting to remember my dreams easier when I do. It seems like the period of time where remembering them has gotten longer and more separated from the sleeping. Like theres more definition there.

This time I was listening to techno radio while going to sleep, no coffee.
Could it be that the recurring aspect, be sending you a message?
Not that it would like groundhog day, and the same things happen that it seems rehearsed, but could it be that you could change something in your life?
Maybe a daily routine can be changed?

Do you write your dreams on paper, after waking?
aussie_musician said:
Could it be that the recurring aspect, be sending you a message?
Not that it would like groundhog day, and the same things happen that it seems rehearsed, but could it be that you could change something in your life?
Maybe a daily routine can be changed?

Do you write your dreams on paper, after waking?

I believe that most details in my dreams are associated with details in my waking life. The recurring part is a mystery, it seems though that the locations that repeat aren't being created by my central self, and whether that means there is a second part of my brain where my awareness doesn't exist that creates these locations or these things are being projected into my brain from outside of my body isn't easy to determine but I am definitely willing to consider that not all parts of my dreams are exclusively created within my brain. I think that neuro science has a long way to go before these facts can be confirmed or disproven, but in the meanwhile I am more than willing to offer my own dreams in a scientific manner to my best ability as data for those professionals seeking answers. So, I do my best here to make this as accurate as possible.

I keep notecards and an ink pen at my bedside for immediate use when I wake. Then I take shorthand notes starting with the earliest memory of the dream and try to hit all the points that will help me like a walkthrough and then I write it out directly on this message board, filling in the details, and that usually takes 10-30 minutes.