So I keep feeling calm in my "nightmares"...

As the title states, I keep feeling calm in my nightmares. Everyone I loved will be dying around me, and I'll just sit there and watch it happen. Nothing bad happens to me. I don't dye. I'm just confused and concerned, but there isn't any remorse or panic. I know logically I should run, but I don't feel the need to.

On other nights, it's the opposite. I'm having a normal, weird dream, with nothing dangerous, but I still feel the need to run until I'm lost.

Anyone know why this might be, or have a similer story?


New member
Me too, I thought it was because I was some psychopath or something, but mostly it it because (from what I'm assuming) is that your mind is in disbelief and does not care enough about to say it is real due to its ridiculousness, so those emotions you should have felt are muted and your more of an observer in the dream rather than a actor in its play. There are times where I became self aware it was a dream, for example, I remember was being eaten by spiders and they were wrapping me around a web and I guess my mind just stopped caring about the plot and I kind of just walked out of them? I find it more normal in dreams that are almost cartoonishly meant to be nightmares.
I believe that a dream if analyzed properly can be translated into a quote. A nightmare were you feel scared and want to run is a simple metaphor which does not need translating. However, a nightmare where you feel calm could be translated into a quote such as "It was awful. It was my worst possible nightmare but even then I managed to stay calm". Next time you get a nightmare see how you are managing your fears. Think especially of the day before which is a key moment for triggering dreams.