Stone & Wood


New member
The dream:

I am in a double-decker bus, where I live, it is kitted out like a house. Outside there is a partition wall between two areas of the street, there is a gap above it. Outside now I am explaining to a woman, at length, that I intend to fill in this gap with pieces of wood and cardboard, so that there is seperation. On the road somebody, maybe an army, perhaps a leader, is about to pass, this is called 'Spondon', it represents stone. Another party, 'Ham', comes the other way, it represents wood. I say that I don't want to pay greater respect to either party but to balance them. I tell the woman that I want to reduce the use of wood and stone, more and more, so that men and women will become desymbolised, that is to say, they will not be represented by symbols any longer. It takes me a long time to make this idea clear to her as my explanation is laboured and repetitive.

I have found that there is an area of Derby called Spondon, which means dune of stone or gravel, but 'Ham' and 'Wood' remain mysterious to me.
Most dreams are in the here and now and they invent a story which seems strange and ridiculous but which captures a key thought from the day before. Ask yourself about these key phrases from your dream

"I am explaining to a woman, at length" - what does this phrase make you think of?

"It takes me a long time to make this idea clear"
The dream then probably just captures a key moment from the day before where you wanted clarity and wanted to explain yourself. Try to think of a situation where you wanted to make yourself clear. It is likely that the meaning of your dream captures key feeling such as "YESTERDAY (a key time period in triggering dreams) I wanted to make myself clear but I was struggling to find the words".

Lyn Holley

Active member
Dreams Come from the unconscious. It's so interesting that you found out, "spondon," is stone, when you didn't consciously know that before. I thought this dream might be about gender, it also seems to be about finding a balance. The balance in your life between harder elements (stone) and softer (wood and cardboard.) You are explaining this to your anima, your inner woman. It is hard to explain and takes time. The dream might be saying to give yourself time in finding this balance. Dreams Come to tell us what we don't know. Otherwise, there is no point to working with dreams. There is sometimes day residue which triggers certain dream images, but to say that this is all a dream is to impoverish dreams beyond measure.


I agree with Lyn on this, there does appear to be a masculine and feminine aspect with this dream, also I would focus on the idea of separation here, what is causing this divide within you? These element materials and the wall, can symbolise a fear of change, could there be changes in your waking life you are struggling to come to terms with? It could also be your feminine side trying to get your attention.