The book of Saint Mark is a book of lies?


New member
I had this dream months ago where I was browsing a website (albeit the whole computer screen was essentially this website) that I use sometimes to find words and read the KJV bible called King James Bible Online ( Apparently there was forum that was going live and the first person to comment in this post was somebody saying that The Gospels of Saint Mark is a gospel of lies. Another person came in this discussion and said he is lying or he is just being ridiculous. The first poster replied back and insulted the second poster and. I think they went back and forth and that is all I saw. They was several sentences the first and second poster said but I cannot remember what they said specifically. I think the first poster had a strong case against the book of Saint Mark.
I would suggest to see this two characters arguing in your dream, as two opposers in your mind, projected out on a screen. I would believe it digs the ground away under your beliefs. I would think you could be helped by a gentle approach to the counter argument and allowing yourself to lead the discussion to the point where the different participants can see and enlight what is in question in a cooperativ fashion, instead of the battle approach where the other is seen as an idiot.