Third Eye


New member
This was a very short dream but may be connected to my Disturbing Dream that aussie_musician has been so good at helping me pick through.

I see a woman, I don’t know her but she feels familiar to me. Her back is to me and her body is bent with age. She is wearing a long white dress and she has long straight white hair. She turns and looks at me and her face is gaunt. She has both her eyes closed but a third bright and beautiful eye open on her forehead. That’s the end of the dream.


New member
That is such an interesting thought! I don’t have a reason why she couldn’t be an older version of myself. I saw her as someone who came to show me something. I wanted to get information from her but the dream was to short. I wonder if she was connected to the white light from the other dream and if me trying to get the eye was connected to the Third Eye and not his physical eyes at all. If you connect the two dreams it does change a lot.