Unknown little girl


New member
I dreamed that I was in the kitchen eating, and suddenly a little girl (6-7 years old) appeared. I don’t know her in real life, but in the dream, I talked to her as if she were my little sister or niece. It was just the two of us in the house, and I asked her if she wanted some of the strudel I was eating. She excitedly responded that she did, almost surprised that I even offered. As the dream continued, she followed me around the house wherever I went, full of life, conversation, and questions.

What does it mean when we dream about an unknown little girl? Why can't I figure out what this girl represented in my dream? Was she a niece, a sister, or perhaps a daughter?
I often get dreams of young children when I am in an enthusiastic mood. So it could represent your own happier emotions. Did you wake up in a happier mood?(as if a little girl was following you around)

But the little girl could also represent a person who has the child like enthusiasm who is in your life quite a lot. Can you think of anyone like that. Who is like a little girl?


New member
I woke up feeling more confused than happy. In fact, I think this is the first time I've dreamt of young children. I've never even dreamt of my nieces or nephew, let alone an unfamiliar little girl.
And I thought that maybe this dream is about my nieces and nephew, but then I wonder why I didn't dream of them, but instead of some unfamiliar little girl.

Hmm, my sister sometimes has that childlike enthusiasm, so maybe this little girl represents her.

Overall, it was a nice dream, but it left me feeling a bit confused.

Lyn Holley

Active member
In my estimation, this is you, your inner child. It is a fortuitous dream, because you are feeding your inner child. You might want to consider what was going on with you at age six or seven, and how it might be affecting you now.
This inner child is full of life, conversations, and questions. She has the zest of a young child, something that might need to be integrated into your life. She does not appear to be your wounded child, but rather your natural or magical child. She comes, bringing her gifts.


New member
I dreamed that I was in the kitchen eating, and suddenly a little girl (6-7 years old) appeared. I don’t know her in real life, but in the dream, I talked to her as if she were my little sister or niece. It was just the two of us in the house, and I asked her if she wanted some of the strudel I was eating. She excitedly responded that she did, almost surprised that I even offered. As the dream continued, she followed me around the house wherever I went, full of life, conversation, and questions.

What does it mean when we dream about an unknown little girl? Why can't I figure out what this girl represented in my dream? Was she a niece, a sister, or perhaps a daughter?
Normally when you dream of female aspects or persons in your dream they are parts of ourselves we deny, some times if your perhaps spiritual you can lean into a soul mate connection reaching out to brighten parts of your "House" or subconscience that you have been letting stagnate. This can apply to inner self aspects as well. Honestly it's a really sweet dream, where you dwell in a bond with a youthful figure that brings you needed levity and joy to an otherwise mundane life moment. Your mind seems to tell you to stop and smell the roses an enjoy the bubbly nature that you possess.