Weird series of dreams, dismemberment


New member
Ok so this thing has been happening for the past two nights. I go to bed and then have nightmares.

The first nightmare:
In this one it was implied that I was a cult leader and preforming human sacrifice, which one guy didn't like so he broke into my house, having chased me through it with a saw until I promised not to sacrifice anyone. The odd thing is that after he left, he left his saw, and I suddenly started dismembering my (left) leg, then I woke up at 4 am, fell back asleep and woke up at 8 am.

The second one:
This one started with me bleaching my hair for whatever reason. Afterwards me and my boyfriend met up at a mall. We went into a bathroom in the mall, in which we saw some limbs sticking out of a contraption and a baby screaming. I looked into it because I wanted to help but suddenly this baby thing jumped out at my face, which had it's limbs severed from it's body (they were just floating there). I woke up at 4 am, fell back asleep, woke up at 8 am again.


New member
These don't seem to be related at first, but then you realize they have an odd theme of having a limb/limbs removed from the body. Also the pattern of me waking up at 4 and then 8 am
When you get a dream you need to make associations with the emotions and symbolic meanings of the dream. Once you can make a connection with real life then you can study the dream further to explore the symbolism in greater depth.

Your dream mentions a cult leader. Have someone accused you of having the same qualities as a cult leader. Have you been trying to brainwash people and been trying to get people to follow you without questioning. Is there someone who seems to crave being a follower. They are looking to you for leadership. In the dream you seem to be fighting against this so you obviously don't want to be seen as a cult leader type of person. You don't want to be that type of person. You would rather have free thinking people who questions things.

Sacrificing someone - have you been accused of trying to cut people off? Have you been accused of excluding someone who does not follow your version of the world around you. Have you been bitching about someone or accused of making fun of someone. Your dream again seems to be about you resisting these labels of leader and cults.