What does it mean to dream about a future scenario with my husband, children, and my ex?


New member
In my dream, it felt like a few years into the future. I was living in a big house with my husband and two daughters (we don't own a house now). My children were grown, and I could see exactly what they would look like. Then, someone knocked on the door, and when I opened it, I found my ex (who is married and expecting a baby in real life and lives in an other country). I let him in as if it were a normal occurrence. We went upstairs to a baby room, where he picked up a baby girl. Somehow, I knew she was our baby (my ex's and mine), and that he was visiting to see her, which seemed to be a regular thing. The baby looked a lot like him.

The strange part was that my husband seemed to know and accept the situation. It felt as though there was still a strong connection between my ex and me, and he was there for me too, not just for the baby but we weren't officially together because we're both married to other people. The dream felt very real but also weird. Does anyone have an interpretation or explanation for this dream?


New member
My personal exprience with dreams like this, follows the trend of emotional past and present. You clearly have attachments that linger with your ex, now from the dream I interpret them to be towards growth and trust in your personal family. You've taken the aspects you have had from your ex be it emotions, family ideals, relationships or personal growth and brought them into your own home and family, creating a new life and building towards something that you may in understand is because of them, be it postive or negative. Though from the tone of your dream it seems positive to you.
Well sometimes an ex can appear in a dream when they symbolise a moment when you think your partner could become an ex. That need not be serious as we constantly change our emotions. One day maybe happy and the next sad. The dream may link to a moment when your husband should have been upset yet seemed quite accepting. So it could symbolise a thought like "he was OK about it but he should be upset!" But like I say such feelings come and go and are soon forgotten.

But I believe that dreams represent our conscious thoughts so you should know what the dream means because the message will have got through to you. The dream is just a language of symbols. But if you are not upset in real life then there should be nothing to worry about.

Lyn Holley

Active member
Always remember that each person in the dream is YOU. To interpret a dream in an outer way is to deprive us of the deep knowledge that the Unconscious seeks to give us. There is a part of you that has integrated the relationship with your ex and it has birthed a new thing within you. It could be perhaps some of his characteristics or things that you learned while married to him. This has become a part of you. And your relationship with your husband is not threatened at all by this new integration. In fact, the dream seems to indicate that the relationship with him, your present husband, continues through the years. Your current husband seems to be a very stable part of you.
A two story house is symbolic of higher consciousness. So, altogether, this is a fortuitous dream of new life, peace, integration, and higher consciousness.