Why am I dreaming about my ex and what does it mean please.


New member
I split up with my ex 2 months ago she dumped me suddenly for no apparent reason other than not happy even though she was besotted with me weeks befor and I got no closure but have moved on now. I just had the following dream....

I was at a house party my ex's family were there and my friends. They kept saying my ex would arrive shortly I was nervous I was trying to cook food for my friends outside. My ex turned up she had blood on her face look like she been beaten but she was much better looking, almost a healthier version of herself, when I acknowledged her she started crying and so did I and we hugged each other. I thought we would get back together. She then indicated I was a nice guy and it was amicable and I was sad. I started to look for my friend but couldn't find them. I was cooking meet for them then everyone single person from the whole party had me on a stage and was having a laugh with me, I was a comedian of sorts and they where smiling and clapping. I went upstairs and saw my ex on the phone I said can we talk but she smiled and said I'm on a call and her face was no longer beaten. Then I woke up.........any help as to what my dream means would be greatly appreciated.
Does your ex-girlfriend have any friends whom you can ask, or perhaps any of her family or other relatives, as to why she dumped you?
Maybe they know something.
According to your description of her in the dream, perhaps she feels guilty/beaten, for dumping you.


New member
Does your ex-girlfriend have any friends whom you can ask, or perhaps any of her family or other relatives, as to why she dumped you?
Maybe they know something.
According to your description of her in the dream, perhaps she feels guilty/beaten, for dumping you.
No one in her family has talked to me and has blocked me. It's very strange. Yes I think she does feel guilty.


New member
I split up with my ex 2 months ago she dumped me suddenly for no apparent reason other than not happy even though she was besotted with me weeks befor and I got no closure but have moved on now. I just had the following dream....

I was at a house party my ex's family were there and my friends. They kept saying my ex would arrive shortly I was nervous I was trying to cook food for my friends outside. My ex turned up she had blood on her face look like she been beaten but she was much better looking, almost a healthier version of herself, when I acknowledged her she started crying and so did I and we hugged each other. I thought we would get back together. She then indicated I was a nice guy and it was amicable and I was sad. I started to look for my friend but couldn't find them. I was cooking meet for them then everyone single person from the whole party had me on a stage and was having a laugh with me, I was a comedian of sorts and they where smiling and clapping. I went upstairs and saw my ex on the phone I said can we talk but she smiled and said I'm on a call and her face was no longer beaten. Then I woke up.........any help as to what my dream means would be greatly appreciated.


New member
It is possible that the dreamer’s ex actually represents his ex. But I believe that a different interpretation is more likely.

I believe that it is much more likely that she symbolizes the dreamer’s anima at the 2nd stage of development IAW the ideas of Carl Jung.
But who the heck is this anima? To understand who she is, we need to take a look at the Jungian approach.

A look at Jungian/Analytical psychology:
  • The primary source for the following is Man and His Symbols at https://antilogicalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/man-and-his-symbols.pdf
  • In the Jungian approach, an archetype called the Self is the center of the psyche (AKA the mind). The psyche is divided into two major components: the consciousness and the unconscious.
  • The consciousness consists of those things that we know. For example, I know that I have a wife, children, and grandchildren. The ego is the center of the consciousness.
  • The unconscious consists of two parts: the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.
    • The personal unconsciousness contains those things that we used to know but have forgotten. For example, I used to know when I first drove a car but have since forgotten.
    • The collective unconscious contains those things that I never consciously knew. It contains archetypes. There are all kinds of archetypes. An archetype might be an object, a plant, an animal, a person or even an event. As a person goes through a Jungian analysis or looks more closely at his or her dreams, three archetypes have the potential of showing themselves: first the shadow, then the anima or animus, and finally the Self. Many people will not see these three archetypes in their dreams.
      • The shadow is always a person who is, in some way the opposite of the dreamer. Or he/she may show a part of the dreamer that he/she finds difficult to accept about themselves.
      • The animus is a male person who is only seen in the dreams of women while the anima is a female person who is only seen in the dreams of men. Both have the potential of going through four stages of development. “The anima is a personification of all feminine psychological tendencies in a man's psyche, such as vague feelings and moods, prophetic hunches, receptiveness to the irrational, capacity for personal love, feeling for nature, and — last but not least — his relation to the unconscious.” p177
        • At the first stage, she is the primitive woman. She may be a woman of a different race.
        • At the second stage, she is the “romanticized beauty. ”P184 “She personifies a romantic and aesthetic level that is. however, still characterized by sexual elements.” P185
        • In “this [third] stage the eros has become spiritualized.” She “raises love eros to the heights of spiritual devotion. P185
        • At the fourth stage, she is wisdom, “transcending even the most holy and the most pure.” P185
And now for a look at the actual dream:
  • The beginning of the dream has an encouraging and positive scene. In our dreams, a party or a similar gathering is almost always positive.
  • I believe that the “you” in this dream represents the dreamer’s ego.
  • The house symbolizes the dreamer in some way. I believe that it represents the dreamer’s psyche. Thus, these dream people are symbols of archetypes from the collective unconscious. The dream people seem to be friendly and happy. It looks like there is very little animosity between these people.
  • In the dream, the dreamer’s “ex turned up [and] she had blood on her face look like she been beaten but she was much better looking, almost a healthier version of herself….” If we accept that she represents that anima, she is probably at the 2nd stage of development. She had blood on her face because she/the anima had an unpleasant time prior to her transformation to the 2nd stage.
  • The dreamer is cooking food for his friends. This is another good sign. In real life, food supplies the nutrients needed to grow and develop. It has an analogous function in our dreams. The meaning is that the dreamer’s past attitude, actions, or such has changed which allows for the development of these people.
  • The dreamer gets on stage which confirms that the dream is all about him.
  • He goes upstairs which may refer to the dreamer’s more developed psyche or his consciousness. If it does represent his consciousness, the implication is that the anima has, in some way, become incorporated into his consciousness – another good sign.
  • The dreamer talks to his ex on the phone. This probably means that the anima is there for the dreamer if she is needed.
  • All-in-all, this is a very positive dream.

Hope this helps and is not too confusing,