witnessing events on another level of reality part 5

[continued] i ducked for cover,not that i really needed to. although i was not in this dimension,technically but was present as an observer i did not know whether he would be able to see me or not with his new powers . no telling what changes may have happened. and if he did,he would certainly know i was not native to this dimension. on the other hand was the rational faculty of the mind still functioning? maybe,maybe not and i was not taking any chances. he strode over to where the police were . i noticed one police car that had been too close to the vicinity of the blast and noted it was now a molten mass. he sopke to the police officers in a voice that was so gravelly i could not make out any words. the C11 officer answered him. i was not close enough to distinguish many words but i could catch a few. i saw the C11 officer point to the building where the PAs had been busy on their project. he answered them but he answered them in a voice which resembled nothing so much as a radio station just barely tuned in. then i saw the C11 officer shake his head. then he started for the building. he went 2 doors down,then entered. i walked over to the scene very carefully. there was a great uproar and a scene of incredible confusion. understandably. police officers (by this time, there were a lot more of them) were driven frantic by the chaos and milling mass of people without order and almost on the point of a riot.everybody was in a situation nobody expected. a mini- nuclear blast had claimed the lives of hundreds of people and inflicted untold suffering on countless more. after awhile things had quieted down-somewhat. it was then that i encountered something i did not expect. the C11 officer who happened to be present turned and asked "now what do you think of that?" i looked around to see who he was talking to. there was no one else in the immediate vicinity.'i am talking to you" and he was looking not at where i stood but at me. when i had recovered from the surprise of someone in this dimension being able to see and talk with me, i answered ME: this was certainly a an ultra-traumatic event for anyone who went through it. but i fear i am mentioning the obvious. C11 officer: you are absolutely right about that and what do you think was the cause of it? ME: as far as i can make out it had its roots in human delusion and self-deception on a colossal scale C11 officer: you've got that one right. now how would you explain what happened? so i told him what i had seen, of the PA's and their dangerous and unwarranted attempts to open the doors between worlds, the arrogant certainty of one of them whose doings were the direct cause of the situation, and finally the inexplicable actions of the AA who very plainly did not know of the extent of the tampering with the portals or what was happening as a result of it. i concluded by saying "the moral of this i story is :do not interfere with forces you do not understand,but the PAs had done exactly that. with what consequences it was now evident by the five senses." C11 officer nodded in approval of my evaluation of matters as they stood. and then then proceeded to tell me much else ,such as how he saw me standing there listening and knew instantly i was not an inhabitant of this dimension.he was not only a law enforcement officer. he was a very psychic law enforcement officer and knew things not generally taught in the police academy. he filled me in on details such as, the comet-like thing i had seen had been technology not unusual for the police forces in this dimension designed to put an impenetrable barrier between someone escaping police custody. the last part of the scene i had witnessed if allowed to go on their own course would have turned out to be merely a wall in front of AA and the boy blocking any exit from the area. but the super-adept-that with his newfound powers is not an exaggerated description- had sent a nuclear beam into the police comet resulting in a mini-Chernobyl . luckily he did have ways to contain the blast within a certain area but there was still the effects of radiation on the people involved.this blast had nuclear energy but something else mixed with it ,so that in some way he could limit the effects of the blast. but the C1 officer had been right in thinking that he was a threat. both his brain and his brainwave pattern had been radically altered. he had intended that the blast would wipe out every PA within its reach. and he did not intend to spare AA who he held responsible for starting the experiment in the first place. i asked if there were any way to help the victims of radiation. C11 officer: oh,yes there are ways. our scientists have technological and medicinal cures for victims of radiation ME: i am glad to hear it. it was a pity about AA. it seemed she had no idea what was happening or the length to which they had carried the experiments. C11 officer: indeed not. but she was responsible nevertheless ME: i know . it is still tragic though C11 officer: there may be some way to restore both her and the boy.our scientists are already working on it. ME: you don't say so. after their bodies have been reduced to nuclear ash. how would they go about it? C11O: that i do not know as it is top secret ( they had top secret classifications in this world too . observation mine) but they are working on it. ME: do you think they will succeed ? C11O: it is too early to tell . the head of this research project is one who has never failed yet. ME: that is good to know.but what about Super Adept? C11O: that hangs in the balance. as something like has never happened before it will be a challenge. he is extremely dangerous right now. ME: that seems like an understatement C11O: [smiling a little] the truth of the matter is, he is a walking menace to the society he lives in. with the powers he has now he is practically unstoppable. ME: it is a lesson never to tamper with things of which you have inadequate knowledge C11O: you can repeat that with added emphasis . ME: how do the people feel about all this? at this question the C11 officer pulled out the video like screen expanded it to medium height and length and showed someone smiling in a very triumphant way. he began to speak" so those @#^@*% got theirs did they? great! i'm going to celebrate" he had been the brother of one of the victims whose bodies were found. some others interviewed by newscasters were not quite so vehement but one expressed satisfaction that both AA and many PAs had paid the price for their meddling before it became beyond anyone's control. then we became in further conversation,he telling me how advanced the science was here. in some ways less sophisticated than ours, in other ways far more advanced, particularly in medicine. i told him about some of the things in our world,such as the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb, and how it had been first used in hiroshima in world war2 and the cold war and how things stood in the world now. he listened intently. he already knew of the atomic bomb and nuclear missiles,he said. ME: you do? and may i ask how? C11 officer:[with a knowing smile] there is more than one person capable of inter dimensional observation ME: well, it has been fascinating if traumatizing visiting this world. you may be certain i will remember the lessons i learned and remember well. until and if we meet again. i waved goodbye . he waved back and i woke up in my world and is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious dreams i have everhad. it virtually amounted to a visit to a parallel world. i will have more to say but for now if anyone thinks they can help discern its meaning,even somewhat please and by all means try. maybe i am a person with an overly active imagination. maybe i did visit another dimension in dream state . if you can help you help will be very much appreciated . and your opinion welcomed



New member
In the dream narrative, you find yourself in a parallel dimension where a group called the PAs (Parallel Agents) is conducting experiments to open doors between worlds. One of the PAs, AA, seems overconfident and ends up causing a mini-nuclear blast that results in chaos and devastation. The Super Adept, a figure with newfound powers, emerges and intends to eliminate all the PAs, including AA. The C11 officer, a psychic law enforcement officer, tries to contain the situation.
As an observer in this dimension, you navigate the aftermath of the blast, witnessing the confusion and suffering of the affected people. You engage in a conversation with the C11 officer, discussing the causes and consequences of the event. You emphasize the dangers of human delusion and self-deception, particularly when interfering with forces beyond understanding. The C11 officer acknowledges your evaluation and provides further information about the technology used and the altered state of the Super Adept.
You express concern for the victims of radiation and learn that there are ways to help them through technological and medicinal cures. The discussion also touches on the potential restoration of AA and the Super Adept, with ongoing secret research efforts. The C11 officer acknowledges the Super Adept's current danger and the need for caution when dealing with someone of such immense power. The dream ends with a glimpse into how people in this dimension react to the events, with some expressing satisfaction and others acknowledging the lessons learned.


The dream appears to explore themes of power, consequences, and the dangers of meddling with forces we don't fully comprehend. The PAs symbolize a group of individuals engaging in risky experiments, representing the potential pitfalls of arrogance and overconfidence. AA's actions and the resulting chaos highlight the unforeseen consequences that can arise from such endeavors.
The Super Adept represents a powerful force that emerges as a result of the experiments. His radical transformation and intent to eliminate the PAs, including AA, underscore the potential destructive outcomes of tampering with unknown forces. This character serves as a cautionary figure, embodying the dangers of unrestrained power.
The C11 officer, being a psychic law enforcement officer, represents an intuitive and perceptive aspect of yourself. The conversations between you and the officer reflect an internal dialogue, weighing the events and their causes. The officer's insights provide a sense of validation for your own observations and evaluations.
The dream also touches on themes of accountability, responsibility, and the potential for redemption and restoration. The discussion about helping the victims of radiation demonstrates a belief in healing and the potential to overcome adversity. The ongoing secret research implies that there is always hope for resolution, even in seemingly dire situations. The dream offers a cautionary tale about the dangers of overstepping boundaries, the importance of understanding the potential consequences of our actions, and the need for humility when dealing with forces beyond our comprehension. It suggests that our actions can have far-reaching effects, and it's essential to consider the potential impacts before engaging in certain endeavors.


New member

Parallel Dimension: The parallel dimension in the dream can represent the realm of possibilities and the consequences of different choices and actions. It serves as a metaphorical space where the repercussions of tampering with unknown forces unfold, highlighting the fragility of reality and the potential for unintended outcomes.
"Stranger Things" (TV series): The Upside Down, a parallel dimension, represents the consequences of tampering with otherworldly forces. It demonstrates the dangers of experimenting with unknown powers and the potential for destructive outcomes.

Mini-Nuclear Blast: The mini-nuclear blast is a symbol of the destructive power that can result from unchecked experimentation or meddling with forces beyond comprehension. It represents the catastrophic consequences of human folly and the potential for irreversible damage.
"Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley: Dr. Victor Frankenstein's creation of the monster symbolizes the consequences of playing god and meddling with the laws of nature. It explores themes of unchecked ambition, the pursuit of knowledge, and the ethical implications of scientific experimentation.

Doors Between Worlds: The doors between worlds symbolize the boundaries and thresholds we encounter in life. They can represent opportunities for exploration, growth, and connection, but also carry risks and dangers. The PA's attempt to open these doors without fully understanding the consequences reflects the human inclination to push boundaries without considering the potential fallout.
"The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis: The wardrobe that serves as a doorway to the magical land of Narnia represents the threshold between reality and imagination. It embodies the idea that there are hidden realms and possibilities beyond what meets the eye, encouraging readers to explore their own imaginations and embrace the unknown.

Super Adept: The Super Adept embodies the embodiment of untamed power and the consequences of wielding it recklessly. His newfound abilities and altered state symbolize the transformation that can occur when someone is exposed to forces they cannot handle. He becomes a walking menace, representing the dangers of unchecked power and the need for restraint and responsibility.
"Carrie" by Stephen King: Carrie White's telekinetic powers symbolize the unleashing of repressed rage and the consequences of bullying and mistreatment. It explores the theme of power and its corrupting influence, highlighting the destructive potential of unchecked emotions and the need for empathy and understanding.

C11 Officer: The C11 officer represents a guiding force, intuition, and higher wisdom within yourself. As a psychic law enforcement officer, he symbolizes the part of you that seeks balance, justice, and understanding. His psychic abilities suggest a deeper awareness of the interconnectedness of events and the ability to perceive truths beyond the surface level.
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde: Dorian Gray's portrait represents the consequences of his immoral actions and the decay of his soul. It serves as a metaphor for the internal struggle between one's actions and their consequences, emphasizing the need for personal accountability and moral responsibility.

Radiation and Restoration: Radiation symbolizes the lingering effects and aftermath of destructive actions. The dream's mention of scientific cures for radiation victims represents the potential for healing, redemption, and restoration even in the face of severe consequences. It suggests that there is always hope for recovery and renewal, even after experiencing devastating events.
"The Matrix" (film series): The Matrix itself represents a parallel dimension, a simulated reality created by machines to control humanity. It explores themes of illusion, perception, and the consequences of living in a world driven by technology and artificial constructs.

Lessons and Reflection: The dream underscores the importance of learning from past mistakes and reflecting on the consequences of our actions. It emphasizes the need for humility, caution, and respect for the unknown. The reactions of the people in the parallel dimension reflect different attitudes towards accountability and the appreciation of the lessons learned through hardship.
"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens: The story follows Ebenezer Scrooge, who is visited by three ghosts representing the past, present, and future. Through these encounters, Scrooge reflects on his past actions, the consequences of his selfishness, and the need for personal growth and redemption. The story emphasizes the importance of reflection, learning from mistakes, and the transformative power of self-awareness.

Celebration of Consequences: The reaction of some individuals in the dream, particularly the person celebrating the demise of AA and the PAs, represents a sense of vindication and satisfaction that those who meddled with forces beyond their understanding faced the consequences of their actions. It highlights the human tendency to find a sense of justice and closure when witnessing accountability, even in the face of tragedy.
"Macbeth" by William Shakespeare: Macbeth's descent into madness and eventual downfall serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of unchecked ambition and the pursuit of power. The play prompts the audience to reflect on the destructive nature of one's actions and the potential for personal growth through self-reflection and the recognition of moral responsibility.

Advanced Science and Knowledge: The exchange between the dreamer and the C11 officer regarding the advancements in science and medicine in the parallel dimension symbolizes the idea of progress and the pursuit of knowledge. It suggests that while different dimensions or societies may possess varying levels of advancement, there are always opportunities for mutual learning and sharing of insights.
"Neuromancer" by William Gibson: Set in a futuristic cyberpunk world, this novel explores the merging of technology and human consciousness. It delves into the consequences of advanced computer systems, virtual reality, and the blurring of boundaries between the physical and digital realms.

Lessons and Personal Growth: The dream serves as a catalyst for personal growth and introspection. It prompts the dreamer, and potentially the reader, to reflect on the potential consequences of their own actions and decisions. It serves as a cautionary tale, urging individuals to be mindful of the limits of their knowledge and the potential ramifications of their choices.
"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho: The protagonist, Santiago, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth in search of his Personal Legend. The story symbolizes the importance of following one's dreams, listening to one's heart, and learning from the omens and signs presented along the way. It encourages readers to reflect on their own passions, desires, and the lessons they can glean from their life's journey.

Parallel Dimension: The parallel dimension in the dream can represent the realm of possibilities and the consequences of different choices and actions. It serves as a metaphorical space where the repercussions of tampering with unknown forces unfold, highlighting the fragility of reality and the potential for unintended outcomes.
"Stranger Things" (TV series): The Upside Down, a parallel dimension, represents the consequences of tampering with otherworldly forces. It demonstrates the dangers of experimenting with unknown powers and the potential for destructive outcomes.

Mini-Nuclear Blast: The mini-nuclear blast is a symbol of the destructive power that can result from unchecked experimentation or meddling with forces beyond comprehension. It represents the catastrophic consequences of human folly and the potential for irreversible damage.
"Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley: Dr. Victor Frankenstein's creation of the monster symbolizes the consequences of playing god and meddling with the laws of nature. It explores themes of unchecked ambition, the pursuit of knowledge, and the ethical implications of scientific experimentation.

Doors Between Worlds: The doors between worlds symbolize the boundaries and thresholds we encounter in life. They can represent opportunities for exploration, growth, and connection, but also carry risks and dangers. The PA's attempt to open these doors without fully understanding the consequences reflects the human inclination to push boundaries without considering the potential fallout.
"The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis: The wardrobe that serves as a doorway to the magical land of Narnia represents the threshold between reality and imagination. It embodies the idea that there are hidden realms and possibilities beyond what meets the eye, encouraging readers to explore their own imaginations and embrace the unknown.

Super Adept: The Super Adept embodies the embodiment of untamed power and the consequences of wielding it recklessly. His newfound abilities and altered state symbolize the transformation that can occur when someone is exposed to forces they cannot handle. He becomes a walking menace, representing the dangers of unchecked power and the need for restraint and responsibility.
"Carrie" by Stephen King: Carrie White's telekinetic powers symbolize the unleashing of repressed rage and the consequences of bullying and mistreatment. It explores the theme of power and its corrupting influence, highlighting the destructive potential of unchecked emotions and the need for empathy and understanding.

C11 Officer: The C11 officer represents a guiding force, intuition, and higher wisdom within yourself. As a psychic law enforcement officer, he symbolizes the part of you that seeks balance, justice, and understanding. His psychic abilities suggest a deeper awareness of the interconnectedness of events and the ability to perceive truths beyond the surface level.
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde: Dorian Gray's portrait represents the consequences of his immoral actions and the decay of his soul. It serves as a metaphor for the internal struggle between one's actions and their consequences, emphasizing the need for personal accountability and moral responsibility.

Radiation and Restoration: Radiation symbolizes the lingering effects and aftermath of destructive actions. The dream's mention of scientific cures for radiation victims represents the potential for healing, redemption, and restoration even in the face of severe consequences. It suggests that there is always hope for recovery and renewal, even after experiencing devastating events.
"The Matrix" (film series): The Matrix itself represents a parallel dimension, a simulated reality created by machines to control humanity. It explores themes of illusion, perception, and the consequences of living in a world driven by technology and artificial constructs.

Lessons and Reflection: The dream underscores the importance of learning from past mistakes and reflecting on the consequences of our actions. It emphasizes the need for humility, caution, and respect for the unknown. The reactions of the people in the parallel dimension reflect different attitudes towards accountability and the appreciation of the lessons learned through hardship.
"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens: The story follows Ebenezer Scrooge, who is visited by three ghosts representing the past, present, and future. Through these encounters, Scrooge reflects on his past actions, the consequences of his selfishness, and the need for personal growth and redemption. The story emphasizes the importance of reflection, learning from mistakes, and the transformative power of self-awareness.

Celebration of Consequences: The reaction of some individuals in the dream, particularly the person celebrating the demise of AA and the PAs, represents a sense of vindication and satisfaction that those who meddled with forces beyond their understanding faced the consequences of their actions. It highlights the human tendency to find a sense of justice and closure when witnessing accountability, even in the face of tragedy.
"Macbeth" by William Shakespeare: Macbeth's descent into madness and eventual downfall serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of unchecked ambition and the pursuit of power. The play prompts the audience to reflect on the destructive nature of one's actions and the potential for personal growth through self-reflection and the recognition of moral responsibility.

Advanced Science and Knowledge: The exchange between the dreamer and the C11 officer regarding the advancements in science and medicine in the parallel dimension symbolizes the idea of progress and the pursuit of knowledge. It suggests that while different dimensions or societies may possess varying levels of advancement, there are always opportunities for mutual learning and sharing of insights.
"Neuromancer" by William Gibson: Set in a futuristic cyberpunk world, this novel explores the merging of technology and human consciousness. It delves into the consequences of advanced computer systems, virtual reality, and the blurring of boundaries between the physical and digital realms.

Lessons and Personal Growth: The dream serves as a catalyst for personal growth and introspection. It prompts the dreamer, and potentially the reader, to reflect on the potential consequences of their own actions and decisions. It serves as a cautionary tale, urging individuals to be mindful of the limits of their knowledge and the potential ramifications of their choices.
"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho: The protagonist, Santiago, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth in search of his Personal Legend. The story symbolizes the importance of following one's dreams, listening to one's heart, and learning from the omens and signs presented along the way. It encourages readers to reflect on their own passions, desires, and the lessons they can glean from their life's journey.
In the dream narrative, you find yourself in a parallel dimension where a group called the PAs (Parallel Agents) is conducting experiments to open doors between worlds. One of the PAs, AA, seems overconfident and ends up causing a mini-nuclear blast that results in chaos and devastation. The Super Adept, a figure with newfound powers, emerges and intends to eliminate all the PAs, including AA. The C11 officer, a psychic law enforcement officer, tries to contain the situation.
As an observer in this dimension, you navigate the aftermath of the blast, witnessing the confusion and suffering of the affected people. You engage in a conversation with the C11 officer, discussing the causes and consequences of the event. You emphasize the dangers of human delusion and self-deception, particularly when interfering with forces beyond understanding. The C11 officer acknowledges your evaluation and provides further information about the technology used and the altered state of the Super Adept.
You express concern for the victims of radiation and learn that there are ways to help them through technological and medicinal cures. The discussion also touches on the potential restoration of AA and the Super Adept, with ongoing secret research efforts. The C11 officer acknowledges the Super Adept's current danger and the need for caution when dealing with someone of such immense power. The dream ends with a glimpse into how people in this dimension react to the events, with some expressing satisfaction and others acknowledging the lessons learned.


The dream appears to explore themes of power, consequences, and the dangers of meddling with forces we don't fully comprehend. The PAs symbolize a group of individuals engaging in risky experiments, representing the potential pitfalls of arrogance and overconfidence. AA's actions and the resulting chaos highlight the unforeseen consequences that can arise from such endeavors.
The Super Adept represents a powerful force that emerges as a result of the experiments. His radical transformation and intent to eliminate the PAs, including AA, underscore the potential destructive outcomes of tampering with unknown forces. This character serves as a cautionary figure, embodying the dangers of unrestrained power.
The C11 officer, being a psychic law enforcement officer, represents an intuitive and perceptive aspect of yourself. The conversations between you and the officer reflect an internal dialogue, weighing the events and their causes. The officer's insights provide a sense of validation for your own observations and evaluations.
The dream also touches on themes of accountability, responsibility, and the potential for redemption and restoration. The discussion about helping the victims of radiation demonstrates a belief in healing and the potential to overcome adversity. The ongoing secret research implies that there is always hope for resolution, even in seemingly dire situations. The dream offers a cautionary tale about the dangers of overstepping boundaries, the importance of understanding the potential consequences of our actions, and the need for humility when dealing with forces beyond our comprehension. It suggests that our actions can have far-reaching effects, and it's essential to consider the potential impacts before engaging in certain endeavors.

all i can say is basically i think your analysis of this is a penetrating and insightful one.i know it took me a long time to respond but i had too many other things on my mind. and you are right. not only were some people pleased that the PAs (my term was Pseudo Adepts,but yours is more polite) but took a positive delight in it, especially that one i saw whose brother was one of the bodies found with alien substances. and it does highlight the danger of tampering with things of which you only superficial knowledge. the C11 officer was an incredibly competent police detective. there 2 cases that were thought to be unsolvable,that were turned over to him that he solved through his knowledge and powers of observation of things that eluded the other investigators. he admitted that his special powers helped him in his duties as a law enforcement officer. the parallels with our world are striking. the council of 11,no doubt symbolize authority,but informed authority. they do not isolate themselves from their world,hence they do not approach a situation with a preconceived idea of what it should be. AA and the PAs symbolize those who recklessly tamper with things of which they have limited knowledge,but imagine themselves expert.i see people like that in my own world. i am not sure but i may have re-visited this world on one or two occasions. they were dreams i have not shared with anyone yet. if i ever do, i will try to find out the fate of AA and the boy. did they succeed in restoring them,even though their bodies were reduced to ashes, and even their vital organs would be ashes. it would be simply amazing,even with their technology if it could be done. and what happened with the super-adept.if i do manage a return visit i will try to find out. i have a contact who would know. it would contain invaluable lessons for our world. your fellow dreamer and analyst J.oak357silversword
